“Brighter Light” By Vandam-15 CT-HD
Light, Logic Of The Bomb, Paracausal
Rare, 30 Gold
Void Mine
As an action, throw a mine up to 30ft away. It has a 5ft radius of activation and explodes in a 10ft radius. Anyone caught in the radius must make a DC 16 acrobatics saving throw or take 1d8 + 4 void damage.
Finger Railgun
As an action, you can spend 2 resource points to fire a 60ft range shot of arc lightning out of your finger tips. Roll to hit using a wisdom will check, upon hitting you deal 1d8 + 4 arc damage. For every additional 2 resource points you spend during that action, you can fire another additional shot at a different creature within range.
Scalding Shout
As an action, you can spend 3 resource points to release a shout of solar sound waves around you. Anyone in a 60ft radius of you must make a DC 16 fortitude saving throw or take 1d8 + 4 solar sonic damage. They must be able to hear you for them to take the damage.
As an action, you can spend 2 resource points to become invisible.
Healing Cheer
As an action, you can spend 3 resource points to release a cheer of healing solar energy. As long as they’re within 60ft of you, allies get healed 1d8 + 4.
Transfer Light
As an extra action, you can touch a creature and can transfer an amount of a resource pool to another creature’s resource pool that isn’t health.
As an action, you can spend 10 resource points to gain a flying speed of double your walking speed for 10 minutes.