“The Command Console” By Vrerken
Dark, Logic Of The Sword, Paracausal
Uncommon, 5 Gold
protocol: Shining Wire
As an action, spend a resource point to send a 20ft long and 5ft wide wire of luster forward. Creatures caught in it must make a DC 16 acrobatics or blocking save. Failing means you take 1d6 + 4 pure dark damage.
protocol: Purge Cannon
As an action, spend 5 resource points to send a 50ft long and 10ft wide wire of pure darkness forward. Creatures caught in it must make a DC 16 acrobatics or blocking save. Failing means you take 2d6 + 4 pure dark damage.
protocol: Nothing Breaker
As an action, spend 2 resource points to force a creature within 30ft to make a DC 16 Fortitude saving throw. Upon a failure, their armor class is reduced by 4.
protocol: Cryo Buster
As an action, spend 2 resource points to force a creature within 30ft to make a DC 16 Fortitude saving throw. Upon a failure, they are paralyzed in ice until the beginning of your next turn.
protocol: Precision Bombardment Array
As an action, spend 10 resource points to launch 3 different 60ft radiuses up to 60ft respectively. Anybody caught in any of the radiuses must make DC 16 Acrobatics or blocking saving throws or take 2d10 + 4
protocol: Kneel
As an action, spend 2 resource points to force a creature within 30ft to make a DC 16 Fortitude saving throw. Upon a failure, they are forced into the prone condition until the end of your next turn.