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Tiny Devil
when having unprotected sexual intercourse with dwarves you have a 35% possibility of getting this disease. Tieflings and succubus' are immune to this disease. Dwarves do not suffer the effects of this disease but can infect other humanoids.
If you have the Tiny Devil, your skin becomes very dry and making Athletics checks, Acrobatics checks and Dex saving throws gives you 1d4 slashing damage (little wounds form on your limbs, they can be cured only by magic).
If you are a male, your ding ding dong burns very badly
(no damage suffered unless you have sex. If so you take 1d4 fire damage per minute).
To get rid of this disease:
female: this disease will go away in 1d12 months.
male: you need to cut your THING off inflect 4d10 damage to humanoids with this disease.
Involuntary Mirror Touch Synthesia
Whenever the victim sees someone take damage, they take 1d4 psychic damage. If the victim is the one attacking, they take an additional 1d4+1
The diseased person suffers general flu-like symptoms (runny nose, coughing, aches in joints) for a few days that eventually pass. The true danger of this disease comes later.
If the underlying virus is left untreated, the affected immune system degrades tremendously, temporarily losing one ability point in Constitution each month until the disease is treated, gaining all lost Constitution back on the next long rest. If left untreated, the affected will also suffer a permanent level of exhaustion every 6 months that does not go away even after the disease is treated.
Zombie Delirium
Becomes Delirious about the undead. you simply cannot believe that zombies and other undead are real.
Funny Crotch
Your penis casts a wild magic surge every 1d4 rounds in combat or once a hour outside of combat.
Dragon Fever
A magical disease contracted by being near Draconic influences for far too long. The symptoms start as a simple change in the eyes, making them take the look of a dragon, but other than that the patient feels fine.
If not treated then the second stage of the sickness begins, the patient becomes near obsessed with wealth and money, and will do anything to get it even at the expense of others. This may be subtle at first but once the third phase begins most people know exactly what has happened.
The final phase involves a fever that if not treated constantly can kill the patient. However if this last phase is survived, the patient finds themselves with some sign of Draconic nature, like horns or small scales on parts of the body.