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Two Left Feet Syndrome
Any kind of saving throw is disadvantaged as well as -5 for any number for any roll.
Beard Agnosia
You lose the ability to recognize a beard. You have great difficulty recalling or describing a beard, or noticing that somebody has grown or shaved a beard.
In advanced cases, sufferers of beard agnosia can be looking at themselves in the mirror and be unable to tell whether they just shaved off their beard or they've gone a month without shaving it. Fortunately, this disease is less common in men than women. Unfortunately, it is more common in dwarves.
Happy Cancer
This disease causes people to slowly die over a d20 period of days.
At the end the infected are overjoyed with the sweet release of death.
Spasm Of The Entrails
You cannot regenerate health by eating and resting, can be caught when fighting against animal abominations
Soft Bones
The player's AC drops two points until cured.
Qi Disconnect Disorder
You have advantage on physical skills made with just the right side of the body, disadvantage on all other attacks and skill checks. Cure with 1d4 days of meditation.
The Illusionary Insomnia
The first symptom is an inability to sleep through non magical means. After 2 days the patient begins to hallucinate.
After three days these hallucinations begin to manifest as magical illusions. As the patient nears a week without sleep, the illusions become more physical as their mental state deteriorates.
The user finally falling asleep through magical means is the only known cure.
Winter Insomnia
When the temperature around the infected person drops below fifty degrees, the person will pass out and won't awake until the temperature increases.
As you get closer to death you are beginning to feel the effects of advanced age dementia is a group of conditions characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions
You will have disadvantage in all intelligence and wisdom skill checks, starting in 2 skills and with each month that passes without treatment you add another 2 skills to have disadvantage in
Only through advanced technology or advanced magic can it be cured