Disease Severity
Something that anyone can get in an everyday setting without specifics. Usually a weak ailment.
An ailment that is harder to get, and the harder it affects a person.
Very specific circumstances need to get the dangerous ailments listed in this severity.
Getting Sick
If someone is in contact in any way with bacteria carrying the disease through breath, water, food, or a living vector like a mosquito.
In whatever way you could conceive, if you somehow ingest the organisms carrying the disease into your body.
By either touching fungi or breathing in the air around fungal spores.
They find a way onto your body from another source like rotten food, bug bites, naughty times and more. The disease comes from the parasite living off of your body.
Mental Illnesses
If someone has a mental illness, it means they are incredibly mentally unwell. There is a special mechanic with mental illnesses involving Mental Wellness. Upon something traumatic and impactful happening to a character, they lose a bit of their sanity and can eventually gain a mental illness if not treated well.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Same as in real life, you can gain a mental illness without losing your sanity. Sanity and mental illness are not directly correlated, but one can help lead to another. To everyone in the real world that has a mental illness, you are not a crazy person.
WARNING: Similar to real life, these are extremely dangerous. If a player character doesn’t treat this as seriously as it is, their character can go insane and experience a mind death.
If someone does not take the proper precautions in the inappropriate activity I can’t talk about on the website, they can gain one of these. Most likely both will gain the same disease if they’ve done it together.
If you don’t get it, google.
Magic Diseases
Since they’re magical and weird, it varies case by case.
Strange Conditions
Hey Shawn here, the guy making the game with a bunch of people. I’m going to be honest, there’s no straightforward way of getting any of these. To the players I’m sorry, to the DMs, have fun.
Bacterial, Viral, & Fungal
These diseases are mostly fought off by your own immune system, but it takes a while and sometimes might not work if your immune system is weakened.
Medicine and especially hyper specific treatments like antibiotics, antiviral, and antifungal are able to speed up the process of your immune system’s efforts and can neutralize parts of the disease itself.
Fungal diseases take three times as much time to cure as the other two.
There’s instances where your immune system can take care of the disease if given enough time, but usually Antiparasitic meds are required to remove the parasite from your body.
Mental Illnesses
You can attempt to treat a mental illness by spending time to increase a character’s sanity resource pool, which can be done the same way as listed in the training rules for resource pools. However, in order to cure a character of either an illness or the state of being unwell, there needs to be a major realization the character comes to when they are at the max sanity they can be at.
Taking a prescribed medicine over a period of time, like an antibiotic, and finishing said prescription.
Magic Diseases
Just as they were caused, they need to be cured by magical effects like Celestial Cleanse.
Strange Conditions
Hey Shawn here, the guy making the game with a bunch of people. I’m going to be honest, there’s no straightforward way of getting any of these. To the players I’m sorry, to the DMs, have fun.