4 Points | 2 Max
You can cast an additional spell at your maximum Arcane Spellmaker Tier without needing to spend the original mana cost for it once per long rest
Requires Prepared Spell
2 Points | 4 Max
You can choose an additional spell at a long rest to prepare.
Requires Prepared Spell
Quick Ritual
Furtive Spirit
Meta Spell
Thwarting Spell
Magical DEX
Magical CON
Enchanted Weapon
Spellcasting Weapon
Gentle Reminder:
Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.
📖Arcane Perks
4 Points l 1 Max
Instead of taking five minutes or a brief rest, if you use the Ready Special Action to ready a spell, then when you use your reaction to cast it that spell benefits from the Ritual Spells Ability
Requires Ritual Spell
4 Points | 2 Max
You can have more than 1 Arcane Spirit at a time
Requires Arcane Spirit
4 Points | 1 Max
After negating a spell, you can redirect it back at the one who originally casted it by making an attack roll with your spellcasting
Requires Counterspell
4 Points | 1 Max
The Counterspell ability can be used to negate any normal attack, however it cannot negate anything mystic like psionics, monk, and mutants
Requires Counterspell
4 Points | 1 Max
The Magical Strength ability can now apply to Dexterity skill checks and saving throws
Requires Magical Strength
4 Points | 1 Max
The Magical Strength ability can now apply to Constitution skill checks and saving throws
Requires Magical Strength
4 Points | 1 Max
When rolling to attack with your magic weapon, you can choose to use your spellcasting bonus instead of your bonus with the weapon
Requires Magical Weapon
4 Points | 1 Max
You can choose to cast through any weapon you have currently equipped instead of your normal spellcasting focus.
As long as your normal spellcasting focus stays on your person, you retain your spellcasting bonus.
Requires Magical Weapon
4 Points | 1 Max
Instead of spending a fourth of your maximum, you now can spend spend mana points equal to an eighth of your maximum to transmutate
Requires Transmutation
4 Points | 1 Max
You become immune to any magical damage types you were resistant to prior to transmuting
Requires Transmutation