📖Arcane Abilities
Any Stat : Arcana
Skill Check
Measures ability to sense magic around you and within objects and characters. The stat used for Arcana rolls depends on what you use for casting spells. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check
(Can be taken during Character Creation)
Prepared Spell
At a long rest choose one of your custom spells. Once per long rest you are able to cast that spell at your maximum Arcane Spellmaker Tier without needing to spend the original mana cost for it.
Requires Arcane Spellmaker Tier II
Ritual Spell
After spending a brief rest or five minutes out of combat readying a spell , you can cast one of your spells at your maximum Arcane Spellmaker Tier without needing to spend the original mana cost for it.
Requires Arcane Spellmaker Tier II and +2 Spellcasting Bonus
Arcane Spirit
You gain a passive buff based on your deity and the elements of your Arcane Spellmaker. You can change this passive at a short rest.
(You could have an aura of magical daggers around you or generate magical force to give you a better jump)
Requires Arcane Spellmaker Tier I
When you see someone make a spell attack roll, you can use your reaction to try and negate their attack if you have enough range with your magic.
Roll to hit with your spellcasting, if you roll higher than their original attack roll, then you completely negate their attack.
Requires Arcane Spellmaker Tier I Or Opportunity Attack : Magic
Mana Charge
Once per long rest as a free action, you can regain mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum
Requires Arcane Spellmaker Tier I
Magical Strength
When you need to make a Strength skill check or saving throw, you can use your Magic Stat instead of your Strength if it’s higher
Requires Arcane Spellmaker Tier I and +2 Spellcasting Bonus
Magical Weapon
When you equip a weapon to one of your equipment slots, you imbue that weapon with a magical damage type within your Arcane Spellmaker elements. The weapon now deals that magical damage type instead of what it dealt before.
The magical damage type you imbue the weapon with can be changed as an interaction.
Requires Arcane Spellmaker Tier I and +2 Spellcasting Bonus
As a quick action, you can spend mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum to temporarily embody the essence of magic. You can last like this for as many minutes as two times your Spellcasting Bonus
While you are transmuted you gain resistance to all magical damage and your spells gain additional targets and dice equal to half of your spellcasting bonus (rounded down)
Requires Arcane Spellmaker Tier III