🦓Beast Bond Perks


2 Points | Each Animal Can Have 5 Max

Requires Power Bond

Add +1 to all damage rolls done by your animal.

True Smell

2 Points | Each Animal Can Have 1 Max

Requires Power Bond

Within a 30ft radius around itself, your animal has true smell and is aware of any creature in the radius as long as it has a scent.


4 Points | Each Animal Can Have 2 Max

Requires Power Bond

Whenever your animal is commanded to attack, they get an additional attack.


4 Points | Each Animal Can Have 1 Max

Requires Power Bond

Pick a type of environment that is the most familiar to your animal. From now on, when in that environment, their speed is doubled and they have advantage on hiding.


4 Points | Each Animal Can Have 1 Max

Requires Power Bond

For physical saving throws, if your animal can see it coming they have advantage on it.


4 Points | Each Animal Can Have 1 Max

Requires Power Bond

Instead of attacking, you can command your animal to become enraged.

It will attack wildly until the DM decides it should calm down, but while enraged it adds your wisdom to it’s damage and has resistance to all physical non-magical damage

Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.