🦓Beast Bond Perks
Strong Animal
Man’s BFF
2 Points | 5 Max
Whenever you roll damage for your animal add +1 to the total
Requires Animal Companion
4 Points | 1 Max
Whenever your animal needs to roll a will save against another character trying to influence or tame them, double their base stat or set their base stat to zero.
Requires Best Friend
EXP Share
True Smell
4 Points l 1 Max
Your animal now gains the same amount of Battle Points after a combat that you do.
It is up to the DM’s discretion on what perks outside of the Path Of Ranger you’re allowed to select for your animal
Requires Animal Companion
4 Points | 1 Max
In a radius equal to 10 times your nature bonus, your animal is completely aware of any nearby character as long as they give off a scent
Requires Animal Companion and +1 Nature Bonus
Insurgent Turf
Self Aware
4 Points | 1 Max
If your animal is in their Turf Advantage, then they can take the Stealth Special Action as a free action once per round
Requires Turf Advantage
4 Points | 1 Max
Your animal gains the average intelligence of a 3 year old human.
This means that their INT base stat raises to +0 and they can now execute basic problem solving and tool use.
Requires Animal Companion
Quick Tag
Danger Smell
4 Points | 1 Max
Although you can only have your animal attack once on your turn per round, you can use the Tag In Special Action as either an action or quick action
Requires Tag In
4 Points | 1 Max
If your animal can smell a character, then they have advantage on all physical saving throws against them.
Requires True Smell
Greater Vibes
Therapy Animal
2 Points | 10 Max
Increase your animal’s soothing aura radius by 5ft
Requires Feral Spirit
4 Points | 1 Max
Being in your animal’s soothing aura now gives advantage on all will saves
Requires Covert
Animal Speak
Baby Talk
4 Points | 1 Max
Pretty much straight out of a cartoon, you can hear animals speak common language and they perfectly understand your common language
Requires Critterspeak and Be Somewhat Magical
2 Points | 5 Max
After using the Praise Special Action, your animal gets an additional +1 bonus to their next roll
Requires Praise
Gentle Reminder:
Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.