🦓Beast Bond Abilities

Power Bond

Requires +2 Bonus in nature

Over The Course Of A Short Rest, You Can Make A Powerful Bond With A Beast That The DM Considers Tamed To You. Animals With A Power Bond Will Always Listen To You Over Other Creatures Unless Magically Influenced.

You Can Only Have One Power Bond At A Time. Commanding Your Animal Takes An Extra Action And You Can Command Them Once Per Turn. Commanding Your Animal Lets Them Take An Action And Use Their Full Movement Speed. the stats of the beast is up to the dM’s discrection.

Efficient Training

Requires power bond

regardless of whether you’re training an animal you have a power bond with to get more abilities or have better bonuses and stats, the time it takes to train them is cut in half.

Pass Down

Requires power bond

alongside whatever you’re doing during a short rest, you can teach an animal you have a power bond with one of the techniques you have made.

This Means You Can Teach the animal how to cast one of your spells, but can’t teach them how to make spells.

Mystic Bond

Requires power bond and you must be somewhat magical

if a bond is personal enough and magic is within you in some shape or form, you develop an even deeper connection with your animal.

the relationship you have with your animal must be important to your character for this new type of bond to form.

you retain the benefits given by power bond, but it evolves into a mystic bond, note the following changes:

  • Your animal can not be influenced by other creatures non-magically or magically

  • you can speak telepathically with your animal as a free action as long as you’re within the same dimension

  • you can use an extra action to see through your animals eyes as long as you’re within the Same dimension

important note: creating a mystic bond gets rid of your original power bond with that animal. you can technically start a new power bond, but consider how that would impact your relationship with the animal you’ve stuck with for so long.

Requires mystic bond and +5 bonus in nature

Sharing Ourself

the animal you have a mystic bond with gains all of your racial traits and you gain all of the animal’s racial traits. whenever one of you benefits from a buff of any kind, the other side of the bond also benefits the same.

Sharing The Flow

Requires mystic bond and a spellmaker

the animal you have a mystic bond embodies the magical elements of your spellmaker. this means that they can add the magical element to any of their actions and they are resistant to the magical element.