Character Sheets

The Free Flowing game uses an official character sheet made for the game. A Free Flowing character needs a character sheet in order to use the mechanics of the game, otherwise you would just be performing a normal roleplay.

On this sheet you keep track of everything about your character and details about the story and what they’ve gone through.

Use the arrow near this box to go to the page containing all of the character sheets.


Your Personal Stats

On your character sheet, there are aspects of your character called stats that currently all have 0s by default. There’s Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. You can learn more about each stat by clicking on the names of each stat on your character sheet.

You can either choose from a Standard Array or Rolling for your stats, refer to the charts near this box to determine how you want to get your stats.


Standard Array

Assign each number below to one of the stats listed on your character sheet.

+2, +1, 0, 0, -1, -2


Roll a d8 6 times. Each number on the d8 is assigned to a number you assign to a stat. After rolling, refer to the following:

1 on d8 = -3 | 2 on a d8 = -2

3 on a d8 = -1 | 4/5 on a d8 = 0

6 on a d8 = +1 | 7 on a d8 = +2

8 on a d8 = +3