⚔️Combat Perks

Stronger Attack


Farther Attack


1 Point | 10 Max

When rolling damage for an attack made with a melee weapon, ranged weapon, improvised weapon, or firearm, add +1 to the total

No Requirement

1 Point | 10 Max

Increase the range of Ranged Weapons and Firearms by 5ft

No Requirement

Extra Attack


Improved Crit


4 Points l 1 Max

When you use your action to attack with a melee weapon, ranged weapon, improvised weapon, or firearm, you can make two attacks instead of one.

No Requirement

4 Points | 1 Max

You now need to roll either a natural 19 or 20 in order to get a critical strike on an attack or a critical save on a saving throw.

No Requirement

Weapon Adept


Armor Adept


1 Point | No Max

Gain a +1 bonus with a weapon you currently have, cannot use this to have the bonus go past 5

No Requirement

4 Points | No Max

Gain proficiency with an armor that you currently have

No Requirement

Quick Equip


Duel Master


4 Points | 2 Max

Once per turn, you can equip or unequip a weapon as a free action

Requires At Least +0 DEX

2 Points | 5 Max

Add an additional +1 bonus to duel combo related combo skill checks

No Requirement

Flurried Strike


Unarmed Style


4 Points | 1 Max

Once per combat, you can make an additional martial arts attack on your quick action

Requires Martial Arts

4 Points | 1 Max

When rolling damage for a martial arts attack, double either your strength or dexterity

Requires Martial Arts

Protective Style


Defensive Style


2 Points | 1 Max

If you are in melee range of another character, you can use your reaction to take an incoming attack for them

No Requirement

2 Points | 1 Max

You gain a new Special Action: Block

As an action you can choose a physical non-magical damage type, you are now resistant to it until the start of your next turn

No Requirement

Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.