⚔️Path Of Combat⚔️

Battle Tactics


You can create 1 Path Of Combat Custom Move during a short rest

Your Elements include combat maneuvers, techniques, melee weapons, ranged weapons, firearms

Your Restrictions are action only, damage and range determined by current weapon

Custom Move Rolls & DC:

Path Of Combat Custom Moves are based off the attack rolls of the weapon someone is currently using

8 + STAT + Bonus Of Current Weapon


Trying to shield yourself with a weapon using it’s damage dice

Forcing characters to save against your weapon attacks instead of needing to break their AC

Superior Tactics

Path Upgrade

You can now perform all of your Path Of Combat Custom Moves as a reaction.

Your Path Of Combat Custom Moves now gain a +1 to their total rolls and their DC increases by 1.

Requires Battle Tactics

Improvised Wits

Path Special Upgrade

Instead of performing a Path Of Combat Custom Move you have already made, you can choose to make up one on the spot.

When you improvise a Path Of Combat Custom Move, your attack roll has a -5 applied to it and characters gain a +5 to their saving throws against your move.

Requires Battle Tactics

The Art Of War

Path Upgrade

You can perform two Path Of Combat Custom Moves at the same time instead of one on your actions and reactions. If both Custom Moves involve a saving throw, characters only need to roll 1 to combat both.

Your Path Of Combat Custom Moves now gain a +2 to their total rolls and their DC increases by 2

Requires Superior Tactics