Quick links to Combat Ace pages are in each of the three Combat Ability pages

⚔️Path Of Combat⚔️

Battle Tactics

During A Short Rest, You Can Create A Combat Ability Under The Following Parameters

rolls off of weapon bonuses | DC = 8 + STAT + weapon bonus

Elements & Restrictions

Maneuvers, Technique, Physical Weapons

Damage & Range Of Weapon (Melee Or Ranged)

Not Compatible with Firearms

Can Only Make Action Abilities

Improved Tactics

Requires battle tactics

all of your combat techniques can now be performed as bonus actions. when your are rolling for a combat technique, gain a +1 bonus to the roll.

all of your combat techniques can now be performed as reactions. when your are rolling for a combat technique, gain a +2 bonus to the roll instead of the +1 from improved tactics.

You Can Shield Yourself With A Weapon Using Its Damage Dice Or You Can Use A Bonus Action To Dual Wield With A Weapon You’re Not Supposed To Like A Longsword.


Superior Tactics

Requires Improved Tactics

Determined Wits

Requires Battle Tactics

real warriors can improve on the fly without having to have mastered a technique over rest. when performing a combat technique, you can try and perform a move you make up on the spot instead of what you have written down.

when you roll for made up combat techniques, you gain a -5 to the roll. when creatures make a saving throw against your made up combat techniques, they get a +5 to the roll.