



4 Points | 1 Max

You do not need you to have a basic understanding and familiarity with an object in order to manifest it with the Conjure Special Action

Requires Conjure

2 Points | 4 Max

You are able to summon an additional object on the same use of the Conjure Special Action

Requires Conjure











Far Flung


Autistic Spirit


Sharing Spirit


Idle Transfiguration




Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.

🖍️Creative Perks

1 Point l 10 Max

The Hambo Special Action now gives an additional point of Overhealth to characters of your choice

Requires Hambo

4 Points | 1 Max

Instead of giving Overhealth, you can choose to give characters of your choice within eyesight advantage on their next will roll

Requires Hambo

4 Points | 1 Max

If you complete your magical trail in a complete shape, the inside fills out with the effect like in the game referenced in the perk name

Requires Trail

4 Points | 1 Max

Whenever you’re leaving a trail of one of your magical spells using the Trail Ability, you passively benefit from the Dash Special Action

Requires Trail

4 Points | 1 Max

You can now use the Borrow Special Action to apply a damage total or concentration effect to your next spell cast instead of simply reapplying or reactivating it. The rules for spells you can plagiarize are the same as the Borrow Special Action

Requires Borrow

1 Point | No Max

Increases the maximum possible range of the Displace Special Action by 10ft

Requires Displace

4 Points | 2 Max

You can have more than 1 Creative Spirit at a time

Requires Creative Spirit

4 Points | 1 Max

As an action, you can choose to place one of your Creative Spirits on another character within melee range. Placing one on another character will take one from yourself. You can instantly take it back as a quick action.

Requires Autistic Spirit (1)

4 Points | 1 Max

Transfiguration can now be used on other willing characters, it will have the same effect on them as you using the Polymorph ability but they will only have a hovering height of 40ft and cannot cast spells. This cannot be used on yourself

Requires Transfiguration

4 Points | 1 Max

Instead of spending a fourth of your maximum, you now can spend spend mana points equal to an eighth of your maximum to polymorph

Requires Polymorph