🖍️Creative Abilities

Any Stat : Arcana

Skill Check

Measures ability to sense magic around you and within objects and characters. The stat used for Arcana rolls depends on what you use for casting spells. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check

(Can be taken during Character Creation)



You gain a new Special Action: Conjure

As an action or quick action, you can spend a varying amount of mana to manifest a real object into reality. This object is genuinely real and doesn’t require concentration to maintain.

This object can be summoned away from you up to the range of your highest Creative Spellmaker. In order to summon an object, you have to have a basic understanding and familiarity with it. Everything is at the discretion of the DM.

This cannot be used to cheat through survival and monetary challenges. Food will not be sufficient for long rests and money can easily be investigated to be manifested and worthless coin)

Requires Creative Spellmaker Tier I



You gain a new special action: Hambo

As a quick action, you can perform a creative art that will give all characters within eyesight of your choice overhealth equal to your magic stat + your performance bonus

Requires Creative Spellmaker Tier I and At Least +0 Performance Bonus

Creative Spirit


You gain a passive buff based on a Path Of Magic Creative Spell that you have already made. You can change this passive at a short rest.

Requires Creative Spellmaker Tier I



You gain a new Special Action: Transfigure

As an action, you can spend a varying amount of mana to transform an object you’re currently touching into another object.

In order to turn something into a specific object, you have to have a basic understanding and familiarity with it.

This cannot be used to cheat through survival and monetary challenges. Food will not be sufficient for long rests and money can easily be investigated to be manifested and worthless coin)

Requires Conjure



You gain a new Special Action: Displace

As a quick action or reaction, you can attempt to teleport yourself somewhere within the range of your highest Creative Spellmaker. Declare where you want to appear and have the DM roll a d100. Up to the DM’s discretion, the d100 roll determines how close you are to where you wanted to be.

The Displace Special Action can only be used once per turn.

Requires Creative Spellmaker Tier I



You gain a new Special Action: Borrow

As a quick action you can instantly reapply the damage total or reactive and continue the concentration of a Custom Spell that you have seen.

You can only use this for Custom Spells that you have seen after your last long rest and before your next one

You must spend double the original mana spent on that Custom Spell in order to use this special action.

Requires Creative Spellmaker Tier I



On your movement action when you move, you can leave behind a magical trail that has one of the effects of one of your spells. This trail will last as many minutes as two times your Spellcasting Bonus

This only works if the terrain you are walking across isn’t magical or powered in any way.

Requires Creative Spellmaker Tier I



As a quick action, you can spend mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum to transform into an object you have a basic understanding of and familiarity with. All of your equipment transforms with you. You can stay as this object until you untransform as a quick action or fall unconscious.

As an object, you have magical resistance to physical damage and a hovering height equal to the range of your highest Creative Spellmaker. You also do not have to hold your spellcasting focus as an object. Also, you are able to use the functions of whatever object you turn into

Requires Creative Spellmaker Tier III