Bullet Fencing


First Shot


4 Points | 1 Max

The Bullet Collision ability can be used to negate any normal attack, as long as it doesn’t use magic or any other type of power

Requires Bullet Collision

4 Points | 1 Max

If you hit your firearm attack when you use Quickdraw, it’s treated as an automatic critical hit

Requires Quickdraw



Trick Shot


Mag Dump






Pistol Expert


Shotgun Expert


Rifle Expert


Sniper Expert


SMG Expert


Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.

🔫Firearm Perks

4 Points l 1 Max

The Grit ability can now be applied to strength and dexterity saving throws

Requires Grit

4 Points | 1 Max

Once per combat when you miss a firearm attack, you can use a free action to reroll a firearm attack roll as long as there’s a surface it can realistically rebound off of

No Requirement

4 Points | 1 Max

Before you shoot your firearm, you can expend more shots from your shot capacity on your attack roll. For every extra shot, you add an additional damage die to your firearm damage roll.

Requires Quick Reload

4 Points | 1 Max

You can use Bluster and Roulette on the same interaction action

Requires Bluster and Roulette

4 Points | 1 Max

When you use the Gamble Special Action and incorrectly call the coin, your firearm attack deals half damage to your target instead of zero

Requires Gamble

4 Points | 1 Max

All pistol firearm attack rolls can be made non-lethally

Requires +2 Bonus With a Pistol

2 Points | 10 Max

If you manage to get a critical shotgun attack roll on a body part, it counts as a limb removal effect

Requires +2 Bonus With a Shotgun

4 Points | 1 Max

If you don’t have disadvantage when rolling to shoot a body part with a Rifle or LMG, then you have advantage on the roll

Requires +2 Bonus With a Rifle

4 Points | 1 Max

You gain a new special action: Scope

As an interaction action, you can double the attack range of the sniper

Requires +2 Bonus With a Sniper

4 Points | 1 Max

You can make one more SMG firearm per round while stealthed without being forced to unstealth

Requires +2 Bonus With a SMG