🔫Firearms Abilities

Opportunity Attack : Firearms

Requires +1 Bonus With At Least 1 Firearm

If a creature attempts to move at least 10ft away from you without using the retreat action, you can use your reaction to make an attack roll with a firearm as an opportunity attack.

Gun Control

Requires STR/DEX Of At Least +0

You now have at least a +2 bonus to use any firearm unless you already have a +2 or higher bonus to use that firearm.

Check Out The Training Rules For More Information On Bonuses!

Imposterous Murdererus

Requires +1 Bonus With At Least 1 Firearm

When using a firearm to attack a creature that has less than half their maximum health, double the stat you use to shoot when calculating damage.

Also when shooting a creature with a firearm on death’s door with heavy caliber, they have to beat a 70 on their survival roll instead of a 30.

Shots Fired!!

Requires Opportunity Attack : Firearms

Whenever initiative is called, you can make an attack roll with a firearm before combat begins. If you hit with this attack, it automatically crits.

Quick Caliber

Requires DEX of +2

You can change the caliber as a free action. Once per turn, whenever you change the caliber you gain a +1 bonus to your firearm damage. This bonus lasts for one firearm attack.

Mag Dump

Require Gun Control And DEX Of +4

Before you make a firearm attack roll, you can expend more bullets in your firearm to deal more damage. For every extra bullet you use for a shot, your firearm damage gains an additional damage die if you hit.