Force Field Shield

1 Gold + Original Shield Cost, Uncommon

Come on, you all know what this is, it’s a sci fi force field. It does float around you!

This High Tech Shield is based on one of the normal shields found in battle items. AC Bonus and other properties are based on what is chosen.

Instead of needing to equip the shield to one of your hand equipment slots, the force field shield floats around you and continues to act as a shield. However, a creature can target the shield and attempt to destroy it, since it is just a piece of tech.

Deployable Armor

1 Gold + Original Shield Cost, Uncommon

It’s all fun and games until someone turns their armor back on. The nanites of the metal itself form and deform around you at will.

This High Tech Armor Is Based On One Of The Normal Armors Found In Battle Items. Equipment Slots, AC, Disadvantages, And Other Properties Are Based On What Is Chosen.

Instead of taking a full turn, you can now equip or unequip this armor as an extra action.

Pressure Suit

30 Gold, Rare

A suit made to withstand higher pressures and altitudes.

Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, you have advantage on fortitude saving throws relating to pressure and you don’t suffer any penalties from reduced oxygen levels but you will suffer if you have no oxygen.

Space Suit

50 Platinum, Legendary

I’m in a rocket ship, I got a suit on me, haaauhhhhh, I’m in a rocket ship.

Rocket Ship.

Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, you have a personal supply of oxygen that will last you 8 before you need to refill it by technical means. Also, you are immune to non-magical cold and fire effects and damage.

Bio Suit

100 Platinum, Legendary, Cursed?

A strange suit that is attached to your skin cells. It empowers you though….

Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, you can’t unequip them unless you use a curse removal effect. Also, equipping the biofused suit gives you the following:

  • Gain +10 to a resource pool of your choice

  • Gain +2 to a stat of your choice

You will lose these increases if you somehow unequip the suit.