Message Stone
1 gold, Uncommon
A small blue obsidian stone. A once revolutionary magic item that was quickly overtaken by a more popular and portable alternative. It is still used for long distance messaging when subtlety is needed
It can record a voice message when the stone is picked up. Once it is put down, say a name and it will fly at normal walking speed until it gets to the person you named. If there is an object in the way, it will Maneuver around it.
Once it reaches its target it will relay its message after being picked up. it can then be given another message to relay and continue from there.
Magic Pet
1 gold, Uncommon
Ok so you know how I talked about the normal pets from the fun stuff in general items right? Just give your pet a path and ability and we’ll call it good. You can command them on your turn as an extra action and you give them an action and movement of usually 30 but you can talk with your dm to make it more.
Bread Of Unknown Origin
1 gold, Uncommon
A loaf of bread with an odd cosmic glow surrounding its edges. We don’t know where it came from, and we don’t understand how it works.
As an extra action, you may take a bite out of the bread, and roll on the wild flow table in the wild flow dlc addon in DLC ADDONS on the front page. The bread regenerates itself fully every 2 weeks. It has 5 bites, if you use up all the bites before it regenerates the bread will be considered eaten and its magical properties will vanish.
Magic Hat
3 Gold, Rare
A normal looking top hat with a red band around the brim of it. Made by a wizard with a bone to pick with a fraud.
If you stick a limb through the opening of the hat, your hand will appear through a small portal created within 15 feet of the person who uses it.
The portal will be made within a specific place that the player decides. If the player tries to bring back items through the portal, it will be sliced up if the item isn’t handheld.
Summoning Stone
5 Gold, Rare
A silly hat with glowing leaves around the brim and a funny circus-like pattern flowing around the fabric. It wasn’t made by a clown, but the girl that did make it might as well be.
As an action, once per day, you can pull an animal out of that hat that will be instantly tamed to you (you can choose to not have it be tamed if you want to do something to it and not feel bad) Roll a d12
1: Hippopotamus, 2: Giant Rat, 3: Boar, 4: Cow , 5: Giant Frog, 6: Dire Wolf, 7: Ape, 8: Black Bear, 9: Elephant, 10: Swarm of Wasps, 11: Crocodile, 12: Owlbear
Flying Broom
5 Gold, Rare
Stitched from the hairs of various magical creatures, a near sentient flying stick that moves to your whims. I’m fairly certain that they were created by extremely harry pot makers, don’t know why…
a flying broom is considered an air vehicle and uses the driving skill check in order to move around. it has the following stats:
20 HP, 15 AC, 60ft speed, 2 seats max
No hardpoints