Similar to the property in Weapon Rules, gun ranges in parenthesis is long range, meaning that shots made at that range is at disadvantage
Don’t pay too much mind to the official names for guns in Free Flowing. The creator isn’t too familiar with the wide world of firearms, so feel free to reflavor any of them to your whims.
Reloading Rules
Guns have a shot capacity before they need to be reloaded. Reloading is done on a quick action. A single reload will fully reload the shot capacity up to maximum.
If you roll a natural 1 on your D20 when making an attack roll with a gun, then the gun will jam. If your gun is jammed, then the gun cannot make anymore shots until the end of your next turn.
Holding Guns
The following gun types take up varying equipment slots:
Sidearms : Only takes up 1 hand slot
Shotguns: Only takes up 1 hand slot
Rifles/LMGs: Takes up 2 hand slots
Snipers: Takes up 2 hand slots
SMGs: Only takes up 1 hand slot
Any gun that only requires one hand slot can be Dual Wielded. Look at the Dual Wielding property on the weapon rules page for more information on Dual Wielding.