Pistol - 30 Currency - Common

1d6 Piercing + Dex, 90ft (120ft) Range, 4 Shots Until Reload

Firearm Ability: When you use your action to make an attack roll with this firearm, you can make two attacks instead of one.

Variants: Revolver, Handgun, Sidearm

Shotgun - 50 Currency - Common

1d12 Piercing + Str/Dex, 30ft Range, 2 Shots Until Reload

Firearm Ability: When you make an attack roll with this firearm against a character wearing medium or heavy armor, you make that attack roll at advantage

Variants: Scattergun, Peppergun

Rifle - 95 Currency - Common

1d10 Piercing, 180ft (360ft) Range, 4 Shots Until Reload 

Firearm Ability: When you make an attack roll with this firearm targeting at a body part, you make that attack roll with one less level of disadvantage

Variants: LMG, Muzzleloader, Bolt Action, Automatic

Sniper - 110 Currency - Common

1d20 Piercing, 500ft (750ft) Range, 1 Shot Until Reload

Firearm Ability: When this firearm makes an attack roll from long range, it is at advantage instead of disadvantage

Variants: Hunter Rifle, Precision Rifle, Modular

SMG - 55 Currency - Common

1d6 Piercing + Dex, 60ft Range, 4 Shots Until Reload

Firearm Ability: Once per round when you make an attack roll with this firearm while successfully stealthed, you can make that attack roll without losing your stealth

Variants: Submachine gun, Machine pistol, Compact firearm