Stronger Spell
Farther Spell
1 Point | 10 Max
When rolling damage for a Custom Spell, add +1 to the total
No Requirement
1 Point | 1 Max
Increase the range of Custom Spells by 5ft
No Requirement
Stronger Focus
Reshaped Spell
Super Spell
Crybully Spell
Infamous Spells
Mindful Spell
Custom Element
Magical Resistance
Plangent Spell
Gentle Reminder:
Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.
🪄Magic Perks
1 Point l No Max
Gain a +1 bonus with a spellcasting bonus you currently have, cannot use this to have the bonus go past 5
Requires At Least +1 Bonus In Spellcasting
4 Points | 1 Max
As a free action when casting a Custom Spell, you can spend a varying amount of mana to alter the effects of the spell itself.
No Requirement
4 Points | 1 Max
You can now spend up to 10 points on the Charge Special Action
Requires Charged Spell
1 Point | 5 Max
Add an additional +1 bonus to spell concentration related combo skill checks
No Requirement
4 Points | 1 Max
After using the Intensify Special Action on a Custom Spell, if a character isn’t resistant to your spell damage they become vulnerable to it
Requires Intense Spell
4 Points | 1 Max
Every short or long rest, you can now also choose two spells that can be casted at your Path Of Magic Tier 3 while ignoring the normal mana cost.
Requires Signature Spells and Path Of Magic Tier 3 (Any)
4 Points | 1 Max
The Sway Special Action can now be used as a free action whenever a character of your choice is caught in one of your spells
Requires Swaying Spell
2 Points | No Max
When you get this perk, you can add a new element to your Spellmaker. It must be related to your magic, there needs to be a realistic reason why you could have this element, and the DM must approve of this element. This new element must follow restrictions of your Spellmaker
Requires Spellmaker Tier 1 (Any)
4 Points | 1 Max
Choose a broad type of magical damage to become resistant to. You can choose something generic like “Magical Fire or Plants.”
The damage type must be relevant to what makes you magical. It can be changed over a long rest.
Requires Being Somewhat Magical
4 Points | 1 Max
You only have to spend the original mana spent on a spell when using the Resonate Special Action
Requires Resonant Spell
Enchanted Companion
Quick Companion
1 Point | 9 Max
When you summon your magical companion, it has an additional point of HP
Requires Magical Companion
4 Points | 1 Max
Instead of doing it over the course of a short rest, you can summon your magical companion as an action.
On that action, you must spend mana equal to your Magic Stat
Requires Magical Companion