Magic Perks


When rolling damage from a spell attack, add +1 to the damage.

All of your tiers of spellcasting have their range increased by 5ft


2 Points | Can Have 8 Max


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Occult Focus

When you roll a combo check in order to maintain concentration on a spell, add +1 to the roll

As a free action when casting a spell, you can spend a varying amount of mana to alter the effects of the spell itself.

Requires Meta Magic

When hitting a creature with a redirected spell through Meta Magic, you crit with the spell

Requires Ignorant Wizardry

If ignorant wizardry is used on a creature that isn’t resistant to your magic type, you can make them vulnerable to it.

Meta Gaming

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Spell Evasion

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Pact Magic

When dealing damage with a pact spell, double your casting stat when adding it to the total damage

Requires Occult Call

Each Occult Call lasts for 10 minutes minimum unless both you and your patron agree to end the call


4 Points | Can Have 3 Max


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Father’s Fury

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Beastly Power

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Elemental Magic

Elemental damage completely ignores any types of resistances/immunities to elemental damage

Requires Wild Shape

When wild shaped and you deal damage using your body or your elemental magic, double the total


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Beastly Body

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Godly Healing

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Heretic Killer

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Divine Magic

When using divine magic to heal a creature, double the total hit points you give them

Requires Divine Magic

When you use your spells to deal damage to creatures that have ideals completely polar opposite to your deity, double the damage

Divine Health

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Voodoo Medic

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Creative Magic

You don’t need to concentrate on the conditions you place on creatures, they are timed depending on the tier of magic you use on them

Requires Hambo Of Healing

When giving creatures overhealth through Hambo Of Healing, double the amount

Hypo Sensitive

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Jacky’s Trades

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max


This page includes perks for General Magic, Arcane, Pact, Elemental, Divine, and Creative!

Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.


2 Points | Can Have 10 Max


2 Points | Can Have 10 Max


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Crybully Magic

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Spell Ward

When you need to make a saving throw to half incoming spell damage, you instead take no damage upon succeeding and half damage on a fail.

Requires Meta Magic

You can change the effect of a spell and redirect a spell in the same reaction


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Eldritch Invocation

You gain exhaustion every 2 rounds for forcing your patron onto the battlefield instead of every round

Requires Mystic Arcanum

Choose one of your patrons spells or techniques, you gain it and can spend normal mana to cast it instead of Mystic Arcanum 10 cost.

Stacking this means you get more of your patron’s spells or techniques

Requires Wild Shape

After wild shaping, you gain overhealth equal to your spellcasting stat + your spellcasting bonus

Requires Command Life

When you command plant life to deal damage, double your spellcasting stat when adding it to their damage

Requires Divine Intervention

You gain exhaustion every 2 rounds for forcing your deity onto the battlefield instead of every round

Requires Celestial Cleanse

You are immune to any types of poisons, diseases, and curses. you are a walking curse removal effect.

Requires Creative Magic

When rolling a skill check, add your spellcasting bonus on top of the roll

Requires Creative Magic

You are immune to magical conditions being placed upon you