🪄Magic Abilities

Any Stat : Arcana

Skill Check

Measures ability to sense magic around you and within objects and characters. The stat used for Arcana rolls depends on what you use for casting spells. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check

(Can be taken during Character Creation)

Charged Spell


You gain a new special action: Charge

As a quick action before casting a Custom Spell, you can spend up to five mana points in order to charge and power up your spell

Every mana point you expend adds +1 to the damage total of the spell and adds 10ft to the range

Requires +2 Spellcasting Bonus

Swaying Spell


You gain a new special action: Sway

As an interaction action after casting a Custom Spell, you can spend two extra mana points to negate any damage taken or conditions gained when characters you consider allies are caught in one of your spells

Requires +2 Spellcasting Bonus

Intense Spell


You gain a new special action: Intensify

As a quick action before casting a Custom Spell, you can spend double the normal mana cost of your spell to bypass a character’s resistance to your spell’s damage. If a character is immune to the damage it will become resistant.

Requires +2 Spellcasting Bonus

Resonant Spell


You gain a new special action: Resonate

As a quick action you can instantly reapply the damage total or reactive and continue the concentration of a Custom Spell that you have casted.

You can only use this for Custom Spells that you have casted after your last long rest and before your next one

You must spend double the original mana spent on that Custom Spell in order to use this special action.

Requires +2 Spellcasting Bonus

Signature Spells


Every short or long rest, you can choose two spells that can be casted at your Path Of Magic Tier 2 while ignoring the normal mana cost.

Requires Path Of Magic Tier 2 (Any)

Spellcasting Expert


You are now automatically proficient with and have a +2 bonus with any spellcasting focus. Nothing changes if you already have a +2 or higher bonus with a focus.

Requires +2 Spellcasting Bonus

Opportunity Attack : Magic


If a character runs away from you while in the range of your current Path Of Magic Tier without using the Retreat Action, then you can make an attack as a reaction, also known as an Opportunity Attack.

This Opportunity Attack is done with a Custom Spell

Requires Path Of Magic Tier 1 (Any)

Spell Evasion


When you make a saving throw to avoid taking damage or suffering from a magical effect/condition, you take half the damage or suffer from half the effects of a condition on a failed save.

Requires Being Somewhat Magical

Magic Companion


During a short rest as an activity, you can create a magical companion related to whatever makes you magical.

Your magical companion has 1 HP, an AC equal to 10 + Magic Stat, movement of 10 times Magic Stat, and their own initiative where they have an action and movement action where you tell them what to do

When ordering your magical companion around, they use your Magic Stat + Spellcasting Bonus for rolls. They can also use your Custom Spells.

You cannot have more than one magical companion at a time.

Requires Being Somewhat Magical