Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.

🎹 Music Perks


2 Points | Can Have 10 Max

Requires Songwriter

Increase the maximum radius of your musical scores by 5ft


2 Points | Can Have 3 Max

Requires Songwriter

After playing music, you can choose 1 creature as a free action to gain an additional d6 to their next roll.

Stacking this perk means you can give more than 1 creature a d6 per free action

Ear Grating

4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Songwriter

Your musical scores can now deal mental damage to creatures


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Songwriter

Once per combat after playing a music score, roll a performance check. If you get above total of 20 on the roll, you get an inspiration.

This perk only works in combat.


4 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Requires Songwriter

When a creature Critically fails against your musical scores, you gain an inspiration