🎹Path Of Music🎹



You can create 1 Path Of Music Custom Move during a short rest. The Custom Moves of this Path are also called Musical Scores

Your Elements include all forms of music, either performed by using an instrument or singing

Your Restrictions are action, effects are D6 + CHA/Performance Bonus, and range is area of effect only up to 60ft

Requires At Least +0 Bonus In Performance

Custom Move Rolls & DC:

Path Of Music Musical Scores roll based off the performance skill check

8 + CHA + Performance Bonus


You can sing a little song to yourself that gives you temporary strength

You can jam out a loud as heck song that disorients the entire battlefield

Gifted Diva

Path Upgrade

You can now perform all of your Path Of Music Musical Scores as a reaction.

They are now D8 + CHA/Performance Bonus, and range is area of effect only up to 120ft

Your Path Of Music Musical Scores now gain a +2 to their total rolls and their DC increases by +2

Requires Songwriter

Musical Element

Special Path Upgrade

When creating Custom Moves with another Path, you can now include the Elements from the Path Of Music Songwriter when creating those custom moves.

Requires Songwriter


Special Path Upgrade

Instead of performing a Path Of Music Musical Scores you have already made, you can choose to make up one on the spot.

When you improvise a Path Of Music Musical Scores, your performance roll has a -5 applied to it and characters gain a +5 to their saving throws

Requires Songwriter

Magical Music

Special Path Upgrade

When creating Path Of Music Musical Scores, you can now include the Elements from what makes you magical when creating those musical scores.

Requires Songwriter and Be Somewhat Magical