🎹Music Abilities
Public Aside
When you play one of your musical scores, you can choose as many characters as your charisma to not be affected by your musical score as an interaction
Requires Songwriter and At Least +1 CHA
You gain a new special action: Distraction
As a quick action, you can attempt to distract a character if they can hear you. They need to make a charisma will save against your Musical Score DC, see Path Of Music for the equation.
If they fail, then they have disadvantage on making attack rolls on anyone that isn’t you until they land a successful attack on you.
Requires +2 Bonus In Performance
As an activity during a short rest, you can choose to play or sing music ambiently for the rest.
Ambiently performing during the short rest means that everyone else that chooses to Restore during the short rest regains HP equal to half of their maximum HP instead of a fourth of their maximum HP
Requires At Least +0 Bonus In Performance
You gain a new special action: Enthrall
As a quick action, you can choose a character that is within hearing distance of you. Within the next hour, that character can add your Musical Score dice to one of their rolls.
However, characters cannot have more than one of these Enthrall Dice at a time and an hour must pass for them to be able to use another one.
Requires Songwriter and +4 Bonus In Performance
When the party chooses to take a long rest, you can take a brief rest beforehand to do a soothing performance to help with everyone’s rest.
If you do this, then during the long rest everyone can remove an additional level of exhaustion and grievous wound
Requires Ambience and +4 Bonus In Performance
Jam Session
You gain a new special action: Jam Session
As a quick action before you play one of your musical scores, you can invite a character in melee range to join you on your song. That character can join you in your musical score by giving up the quick action they’d have next turn.
After joining you like this, your musical score doubles in radius and all characters have disadvantage on saving throws against the score
Requires Songwriter and +2 Bonus In Performance and Persuasion
Rockstar Spirit
You gain a passive buff based on a genre of music. You can change this passive at a short rest.
(Can choose rock music to give yourself advantage on athletics rolls or RnB to get a bonus on will rolls)
Requires +4 Bonus In Performance
As an activity during a short rest, you can spend your time spinning a story accompanied with a musical performance.
By the way, you have to actually roleplay part of the story, this process cannot be expedited. If you manage to roleplay a story that satisfies the DM, then everyone at the short rest gets a point of inspiration
Requires Ambience and +4 Bonus In Performance