👾Path Of Mutants👾



Upon selecting this Path, you create your own Mutated Power. You can have as many positive elements in your Mutated Power as the DM will allow, but you have to counterbalance those positive elements with weaknesses that are just as strong

Your Elements include any type of mutation or metahuman power that you can realistically think of.

Your Restrictions are 1d6 + Stat/Bonus, Action, Double, 30ft Range. Your Mutated Power can be something you activate or always be present passively.

Your Mutated Power rolls off of a stat and skill check of the DM’s choice. The DC is 8 + STAT + Skill Check Bonus


Trying to shield yourself with a weapon using it’s damage dice

Forcing characters to save against your weapon attacks instead of needing to break their AC

Path Of Mutants : Special Rule

Instead of normal Path Upgrades, Abilities, or Perks, the Paths Of Mutants uses Power Progressions.

Power Progressions are a fusion of Abilities and Perks, meaning that they count as either and can be gained by either Training or spending Battle Points

More Power

Power Progression

More Range

Power Progression

4 Points | 3 Max

Increase the damage die of your Mutated Power attack every time you get this power progression:

D6 -> D8 -> D10 -> D12

Requires Mutation

1 Point | 12 Max

Increase the range of your Mutated Power by 10ft

Requires Mutation

Parallel Process

Power Progression

Less Flaws

Power Progression

4 Points | 1 Max

Once per turn after you either use your activation power or your passive power matters, you can use a free action to either use your activation power again or double the effects of your passive

Requires Mutation

4 Points | No Max

Reduce and lessen the effects of one of the weaknesses of your Mutated Power

Requires Mutation

Reactive Power

Power Progression

Times Three!

Power Progression

4 Points | 1 Max

You can now use your Mutated Power as a reaction

Requires Mutation

4 Points | 1 Max

You now have Triple in your Mutated Power restrictions instead of Double

Requires Mutation

4 Points | 1 Max

As a reaction, you are able to transfer your Mutated Power to someone you can think of. If you do this, immediately remove everything from the Path Of Mutants on your sheet.

Requires Mutation

1 Point | No Max

Every time you get this power progression, you can mutate your Mutated Power. This means you can change how your positive elements and weaknesses function. The extent to how much you can change things is up to the DM

Requires Mutation

Extra Powers

Power Progression

Evolving Power

Power Progression

2 Points | 1 Max

When using your power, you can choose to slightly adjust how the power works to fit a situation better. However, using your power like this incurs a -5 bonus to whatever roll you make with them.

Requires Mutation

4 Points | No Max

Gain another positive element to your Mutated Power and an equally strong weakness to go along with that power

Requires Mutation


Power Progression

In Your Blood

Power Progression

4 Points | 3 Max

When your power is being used, gain a resistance to a damage type related to your Mutated Power

Requires Mutation

2 Points | No Max

Choose one of your racial traits, alter it while including aspects of your power.

Requires Mutation

Power Transfer

Power Progression


Power Progression

Heroic Soul

Power Progression

Wicked Soul

Power Progression

2 Points | 5 Max

When making a roll that involves Wicked and Evil ideals, add +1 to the roll

Requires Mutation and You cannot have Heroic Soul

2 Points | 5 Max

When making a roll that involves Heroic and Good ideals, add +1 to the roll

Requires Mutation and You cannot have Wicked Soul