Psychic Control


Imbued Psionics


4 Points | 1 Max

When you spend psychic points to empower an attack, every point you spend now adds +2 to the damage total of the attack and adds 20ft to the range

Requires Psychic Attack

4 Points | 1 Max

When you use the Psychic Element in a custom move attack roll, add your intelligence to the damage total

Requires Psychic Element

Phone Call








Fecund Stride


Psychic Stride


Shrewd Aura


Psionic Aura


Psychic Boost


Mind Reader


Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.

🧠Psionic Perks

2 Points l No Max

When you use the Telepathy Special Action, an additional character can be included in the telepathic connection

Requires Telepathy

4 Points | 1 Max

You can use the Telepathy Special Action with characters that don’t have a brain or biological mind

Requires Telepathy

2 Points | 4 Max

You can telekinetically grab an additional object or character when you use the Telekinesis Special Action, you cannot attempt to grab the same object or character twice.

Requires Telekinesis

4 Points | 1 Max

Instead of using your own movement to move something you’ve telekinetically grabbed, your maximum walking speed now represents how far you can move each grabbed object or character when you take your movement action

Requires Telekinesis

4 Points | 1 Max

Instead of spending a eighth of your maximum, you now can spend psychic points equal to one sixteenth of your maximum to teleport

Requires Psychic Step

2 Points | 2 Max

You can perform an additional teleport when you use Psychic Step

Requires Psychic Step

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as you have at least 1 psychic point remaining, your brain will permanently remain active and you can use psychic abilities even when your body is unconscious

Requires Psychic Aura

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as you have at least 1 psychic point remaining, you have resistance to the Psychic Element

Requires Psychic Aura

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as you have at least 1 psychic point remaining, as a free action once per round you can spend psychic points equal to one sixteenth of your maximum to dash

Requires Psychic Flight

4 Points | 1 Max

When you successfully use the Mindlink Special Action, you get to ask an additional question

Requires Mindlink