🧠Psychic Abilities

Intelligence Skill Check : Psionics

Requires at least +1 INT

(This can be taken during character creation)

Measures Your connection to the powers of psionics and other creature’s minds. gain a +2 bonus to the skill check.

As an action, you can use psionics to pick up object and creatures. if a creature is unwilling, roll psionics against them as if you were using the grapple action. you can pick up as many creatures as your intelligence stat and up to a range of 10 times your Intelligence stat. You can still only throw one creature at a time with an extra action.

since this is considered grappling, you can throw creatures the same as a normal grapple but you use intelligence instead. if you hold a weapon using psionics, you use intelligence for rolling with it instead of physical stats, the range is also boosted by psionics.


Requires Skill Check : Psionics

As An Extra Action, You Can Telepathically Speak To Another Creature Within Range. Your Telepathic Range Is Calculated In Feet By 20 Times Your Intelligence Stat. The Creature Can Freely Talk Back To You And Automatically Understands You Despite Language Barriers.

Psychic Step

Requires Skill Check : Psionics

You Can Teleport Up To Your psionics telekinesis range As A Bonus Action Or Reaction. You Can Only Perform One Psychic Step Per Turn. Effects that double your movement also double the distance you can teleport.

Mental Health

Requires Telepathy And +2 INT

When Forced To Make A Saving Throw Against Effects That Cause The Bewitched, Controlled, Or Frightened Conditions, You Have Advantage On That Roll.

Phrenic Aegis

Requires Skill Check : Psionics and +2 INT

as long as you are not mentally compromised or under a mental condition, you can add half your intelligence to your armor class.

Psionic Element

Requires Skill Check : Psionics

when creating techniques with other paths, you can add aspects of psionics to those techniques. You can also most likely find a way to use your intelligence for those techniques

Mind Link

Requires Telepathy And +3 INT

as an extra action once per turn, You Can Attempt To Look Within A Creature’s Mind As Long As They're Within Your Telepathy Range. If A Creature Isn’t Willing, They Must Make an intelligence will Saving Throw Against Your Psionics Check.

If You Roll Higher, You Can Take A Look At A Memory Of Your Choice. It Is Up To The DM To Give You Options On What Memories Are At Your Disposal And To Describe How The Memories Play Out.

Proper Esper

Requires Psychic Step and +3 Bonus in psionics

You Gain A New Flying Speed Utilizing Your Psychic Powers. your flying speed is equal to your psionics telekinesis range.

If you fly by a creature or object, you can attempt to grapple them with psionics as a free action. the rules for grappling creatures with psionics still apply.