🧠Psionic Abilities

Intelligence : Psychic

Skill Check

Measures your capacity for psychic power and connection to other character’s minds. You can garner a character’s intelligence in relation to your own, a summary of their level of comprehension, and can be used to combat mind control. Gain a +2 bonus to this skill check.

Upon taking this skill check, you gain a pool of Psychic Points equal to your intelligence times 4.

Requires At Least +0 Intelligence

(Can be taken during Character Creation)

You cannot get the Spirit Skill Check after choosing the Psychic Skill Check

Psychic Element


When creating custom moves with other paths, you can include the Psychic Element in those moves. The Psychic Element includes the power of the mind and the use of psychokinetic power.

You can also most likely find a way to use your intelligence for those custom moves.

Requires Intelligence Skill Check : Psychic

Psychic Attack


Before you roll an attack roll, if it uses the Psychic Element in some way you can spend psychic points to empower the attack.

Every psychic points you expend adds +1 to the damage total of the attack and adds 10ft to the range

Requires Psychic Element



You gain a new Special Action: Telekinesis

As an action or quick action once per turn, you can telekinetically grab a character or object of your choice within eyesight. The same rules for grappling apply for telekinetically grappling a character, however you make a Psychic Skill Check roll instead of using strength

When you have a character or object telekinetically grappled you can telekinetically move them in any direction once per turn on your movement action, however in order to move them you have to give up an amount of your walking speed of your turn as far as you move them

Requires Intelligence Skill Check : Psychic



You gain a new Special Action: Telepathy

As an interaction, you can spend psychic points equal to a sixteenth of your maximum to begin telepathically speaking with another character as long as you can sense a character’s mind with the Psychic Skill Check

Attempting to keep a constant telepathic connection between you and that character requires concentration

Requires Intelligence Skill Check : Psychic

Psychic Step


On your movement action, you can spend psychic points equal to a eighth of your maximum to teleport to an open space within eyesight

You can do this as many times per round as half your Psychic Skill Check bonus, teleporting more than once does not cost psychic points, you only need to spend points for the first one.

Requires Intelligence Skill Check : Psychic

Psychic Aura


As long as you have at least 1 psychic point remaining, you can add your intelligence stat to your armor class, you cannot be put under the controlled condition, and you have advantage on will saving throws

Requires Psychic Element

Psychic Flight


As long as you have at least 1 psychic point remaining, your walking speed becomes a flying speed and is multiplied by intelligence

Requires Psychic Step and +2 Intelligence



You gain a new Special Action: Mindlink

As an interaction, as long as you can sense a character’s mind with the Psychic Skill Check, you can spend psychic points equal to a eighth of your maximum to force them to roll a contesting intelligence will save against your Psychic Skill Check roll.

If you win the contested roll, you can ask a question about the character and will get an answer at the discretion of the character’s own memories. If you ask a question that the character couldn’t produce an answer for, you simply get nothing back.

Requires Telepathy and +4 Intelligence