🧠Psychic Perks
Signal Up
2 Points | Can Have 10 Max
Requires Skill Check Psionics and Telepathy
Increase your psychic telekinesis and telepathy range by 5ft
2 Points | Can Have 10 Max
Requires Skill Check Psionics
Increase the amount of objects and creatures you can grapple with psionics in one turn by one
2 Points | Can Have 1 Max
Requires Psychic Step
After using your bonus action to use psychic step, you can psychic step one more time as a free action unless you end your turn before you do
Two Places
4 Points | Can Have 1 Max
Requires Psychic Step
You can quick action and reaction psychic step in the same round.
Pallas Athena
4 Points | Can Have 1 Max
Requires Phrenic Aegis
You do not halve your intelligence when adding it to your armor class because of phrenic aegis
Gentle Reminder:
Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.