⚒️Path Of Smithing⚒️

Path Of Smithing: Special Rule

Instead of normal Path Upgrades, Abilities, or Perks, the Path Of Smithing uses Power Progressions.

Power Progressions are a fusion of Abilities and Perks, meaning that they count as either and can be gained by either Training or spending Battle Points

INT or WIS : Repair

Skill Check

Measures your ability to repair a piece of technology or equipment and restore it to a functioning state. Using this skill check without your tools results in an automatic critical failure. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check

(Can be taken during Character Creation and Requires Smithing Tools or Engineering Tools)

When you go the Path Of Smithing, choose either Weapon Maker or Armor Maker as your first Path

After choosing, immediately gain a resource pool of Scrap Points equal to two times your Wisdom plus your Utility Bonus.

This resource pool does not recover at a long rest and is finite, it can be refilled by finding more scrap manually.



You can recreate 1 Weapon from Battle Items during a short rest. The Weapons you recreate during a short rest count as something called a Ware

The Weapons you can recreate include Average Weapons, Finesse Weapons, Heavy Weapons, and Firearms.

In order to recreate a Weapon you need to spend scrap points equal to the gold cost of that Weapon . If a Weapon costs less than 1 gold, then you only need to spend 1 scrap point to recreate it.

Requires Proficiency In Smith’s Tools



You can recreate 1 Armor from Battle Items during a short rest. The Armors you recreate during a short rest count as something called a Ware

The Armor you can recreate include Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, and Shields

In order to recreate an Armor you need to spend scrap points equal to the gold cost of that Armor. If an Armor costs less than 1 gold, then you only need to spend 1 scrap point to recreate it.

Requires Proficiency In Smith’s Tools

Better Weapon

Power Progression

Better Armor

Power Progression

4 Points | 5 Max

When the Weapons you recreate are used, add a +1 bonus to the roll

Requires Weaponsmith

4 Points | 5 Max

When the Armors you recreate are used, increase the total AC by 1

Requires Armorsmith


Power Progression


Power Progression

2 Points | 1 Max

You gain a new Special Action: Recycle

As an action, you can tear apart a Weapon or Armor and get back the scrap points that were used to make it

Requires INT/WIS Skill Check : Repair

2 Points | 5 Max

During a short rest, you can take an existing Weapon or Armors and have it benefit from your current Better Weapon or Better Armor bonuses.

In order to do this, you need to spend a fourth of either the gold cost or the amount of scrap points used to make it

Requires Better Weapon (1) or Better Armor (1)


Power Progression

Power Progression

Ware Upgrades

2 Points | 5 Max

During a short rest, you can take a Ware and reallocate what Ware Upgrades were chosen for it.

Unless you add more scrap points during this short rest, you can only reallocate by how many scrap points have already been used on Ware Upgrades

Requires Ware Upgrades

4 Points | 1 Max

When recreating a Ware, you can choose to add upgrades. Every upgrade you choose increases the total cost of the Ware you are recreating

The upgrades are listed in the arrow in the top right of the page. There are some upgrades you cannot get until you get Abnormal Smithing and have the right type of power to work with

Requires Better Weapons (1) or Better Armor (1)

Unique Upgrades

Power Progression

Sham Smithing

Power Progression

4 Points | 1 Max

Instead of just recreating normal Wares, you can recreate Weapons and Armors found in the Unique Items section of Battle Items up to the DM’s discretion. Rules concerning scrap point cost apply to the total cost of those unique weapons and armors.

You can also now recreate firearm attachments.

Requires Ware Upgrades

4 Points | 1 Max

When recreating a Ware, you can choose to improvise an upgrade. The restrictions for the upgrade are based on what Ware Upgrades you’re able to get.

However, any improvised upgrade has a -2 debuff or something similar applied to it

Requires Ware Upgrades


Power Progression

Magic Smithing

Power Progression

Scrap Element

Power Progression

Rare Wares

Power Progression

Alt Smithing

Power Progression

Power Progression

Valid Smithing

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as you have the source of a power (Magic, Mystic, etc), you can improvise Ware Upgrades that use powers

Requires Weaponsmith or Armorsmith and Sham Smithing

2 Points | 5 Max

You can recreate an additional Ware at a short rest

Requires Better Weapons (1) or Better Armor (1)

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as you have the source of a power (Magic, Mystic, etc), you can recreate Weapons and Armors found in Magic Items, High Tech Items, and Mystic Items up to the DM’s discretion. Scrap point cost from Unique Wares still applies

Small note, for right now Mystic Items are labeled Otherworldly, this will be changed later

Requires Upgradeable Wares and Magical Smithing

4 Points | 1 Max

When you make custom moves with another Path, you can include elements involving scrap and Ware creation in those custom moves

Requires Weaponsmith or Armorsmith and Sham Smithing

4 Points | No Max

When improvising a Ware Upgrade, it no longer has a -2 debuff or any similar debuffs applied to it

Requires Sham Smithing and Better Weapon (3) or Better Armor (3)

4 Points | 1 Max

As long as you have the source of a power (Magic, Mystic, etc) you qualify for the Alternative Upgrades on the Upgrade Wares page

Requires Magical Smithing and Ware Upgrades