Elemental Focus
1 Gold, Uncommon
This item doesn’t take any equipment or trinket slots. You use it by making it your spellcasting focus, rules for that found in tool kits in general items.
When made to be your spellcasting focus and equipped to your hand, choose an element. You only get to choose once and it is permanent.
The element you choose means spells of that element are made at advantage and get an extra damage die.
Kinetic Inhibitor
1 Gold, Uncommon, Cursed?
A small inhibitor made of magical leaves and thorns that must be on your body in some way or form.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots. Once equipped, it can’t be removed without a curse removal effect.
As long as you previously had the elemental path, you gain the new path Elokinesis. You cannot make elemental spells anymore, but you can still benefit from elemental abilities and perks.
There is an arrow at the top of the page to take you to the Path Of Elokinesis.
Garnished Focus
Varying Cost, And Varying Rarity
This item doesn’t take any equipment or trinket slots. You use it by making it your spellcasting focus, rules for that found in tool kits in general items.
The cost, rarity, and enhancement of the focus depends on its tier, refer to the following below:
Tier 1, uncommon, 1 Gold, +1 to your spellcasting bonus
Tier 2, Rare, 5 Gold, +2 to your spellcasting bonus
Tier 3, Legendary, 50 Gold, +3 to your spellcasting bonus
Occult Firearm
3 Gold + Original Firearm Cost, Rare
A firearm with enchanted runes all across the barrel, feels weird.
Based on original firearm, but rolls with it are made with a +1 bonus
When using this firearm, you still use the normal range and abilities of the gun, however the bullets are instead your spells from your own spellmaker.
You do not need to reload using this firearm.
Efficient Spell Staff
10 Gold, Rare
Looks like an ordinary walking staff with a gem or runes carved into it. Can be made to be more intricate or less intricate.
When made to be your spellcasting focus and equipped to your hand, all of your spells gain an extra 30ft of range and those that cost mana require one less mana to cast.
Spell Totem
30 Gold, Rare
A wooden or stone totem that can range from small enough to fit in a pocket to as big as a statue
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots.
Once equipped, you can cast spells through it if you’re at least within 50ft of it. Spells casted through it gain 1 additional target and their range is multiplied by 1.5
Soul Binding Focus
10 Platinum, Cursed, Legendary
Whatever form it takes, it’s still you.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots. Once equipped, it can’t be removed without a curse removal effect.
Once you make it your focus, it will immediately act as a +5 focus, also increasing that bonus takes a fourth of the time it would take. However, unless you get that curse removal effect, you are not allowed to make or bond to another magical focus. So if you lose the soul binding focus after making it your focus, you cannot cast ANY SPELLS.
Warlock Seal
50 Platinum, Cursed, Legendary
Black eldritch runes etch across your limbs, forcefully unleashing your magical potential.
This item will not take up an equipment slot, but it will take up one of your trinket slots. Once equipped, it can’t be removed without a curse removal effect.
Once equipped, whenever you gain points to your maximum mana points double the amount. If unequipped, you will lose half of your maximum mana points. Also, you can only cast from your highest tier of spellcasting, the lower tiers essentially don’t exist anymore for you