Requires Elemental Casting

⛈️Path Of Elokinesis⛈️- Tier 1 Spellmaker

for Whatever reason, you were a former elemental user that chose to double down instead of utilizing the full span of nature. however, the double down is also double powerful.

You Gain A Resource Pool Of Mana Points Equal To 2 Times Your Dexterity Or Wisdom

During Short Rests, You Can Make One Spell Based On What Tier Of Spell Maker You’ve Unlocked. You Can Make A Spell Attempting To Break Someone’s Armor Class Or Force Them To Roll A Save.

You Can Also Make Utility Or Unique Spells That Aren’t Just About Damage, As Long As It’s Within Your Elements And Your DM Is Fine With It, Magic Can Do Pretty Much Anything!



choose an element of nature

(Natural Air, Water, Lightning, Earth, etc)

you can now only make spells of that element, this is permanent.

1d6, 60ft Range, 0 Mana, 1 Target, Can Only Make Action Spell

Tier I Elokinesis spells are not considered magical.


Make A Spell Creating An Area Of Fog Around You And Your Allies Giving A Bonus To Stealth Or Sending Almost A Wave Of Rain Water Forcing Creatures To Dodge A Flood Of Damage.

Requires Elokinesis Tier I

Requires Elokinesis Tier II

2d6, 120ft Range, 2 Mana, 2 Targets

tier II elokinesis spells are considered magical.

3d6, 180ft Range, 4 Mana, 3 Targets

tier III elokinesis spells are considered magical and can be made as actions or reactions.

Requires Elokinesis Tier III

Requires Elokinesis Tier IV

4d6, 240ft Range, 6 Mana, 4 Targets

tier IV elokinesis spells are considered magical and actions, bonus actions, or reactions.

5d6, 300ft Range, 10 Mana, 5 Targets

tier V elokinesis spells are considered magical and and actions, bonus actions, or reactions.

Elokinesis Tier II

Elokinesis Tier III

Elokinesis Tier IV

Elokinesis Tier V

⛈️Elokinesis Abilities

Requires Elokinesis Casting

Primordial Embodiment

You become immune to non-magical and magical variants of the element you picked for elokinesis casting.

Requires wild spirit

Elemental Manifest

When rolling damage, you get to add an additional d6 of your elokinesis element type to the damage total

Requires Elokinesis Tier III

Embody The Visible

As an action, you can freely manipulate natural and magical Occurrences of your element around you. you can manipulate it to the restrictions of tier III elokinesis.

Requires elemental casting

Wild Spirit

you get a magical passive buff based on the aspects of the magical element you chose.

Requires Primordial Embodiment

Earth Merge

if you are around naturally Occurring sources of your chosen element, you can either teleport to it as a bonus action or choose to sink into the element and be untouchable as an action. you cannot attack while sunken into the element.

Requires Elokinesis Tier III

Kinetic Form

as a bonus action you can spend 5 mana to transform into your kinetic form. your kinetic form has you become one with your element, your body becoming what you chose. for the next 10 minutes you gain the following:

  • you deal double on your elemental spells

  • you heal from taking damage from non-magical and magical variants of your element