🧘Monk Abilities

Wisdom : Spirit

Skill Check

Measures your ability to feel other character’s life energy and spiritual auras. You can garner a character’s strength in relation to your own, a general alignment of their personality, and can be used to see through illusions. Gain a +2 bonus to this skill check.

Upon taking this skill check, you gain a pool of Energy Points equal to your wisdom times 4.

Requires At Least +0 Wisdom

(Can be taken during Character Creation)

You cannot get the Psychic Skill Check after choosing the Spirit Skill Check

Spirit Element


When creating custom moves with other paths, you can include the Spirit Element in those moves. The Spirit Element includes raw life energy and meditative practices

You can also most likely find a way to use your wisdom for those custom moves.

Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit

Energy Attack


Before you roll an attack roll, if it uses the Spirit Element in some way you can spend energy points to empower the attack.

Every energy point you expend adds +1 to the damage total of the attack and adds 10ft to the range

Requires Spirit Element

Spirit Speed


As long as you have at least 1 energy point remaining and you’re not wearing armor, your walking speed is multiplied by your wisdom

Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit

Energy Charge


Once per long rest as a free action, you can regain energy points equal to a fourth of your maximum

Requires Energy Attack

Spirit Step


As a reaction or once per round on your movement action, you can spend energy points equal to an eighth of your maximum to teleport to an open space within eyesight or to a life energy signature you can sense with the Spirit Skill Check. However, this ability can only be used once per round.

Requires Spirit Speed



As long as you have at least 1 energy point remaining, you have advantage against effects that are meant to cause intense emotions within you

Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit and +2 Wisdom

Energy Aura


As long as you have at least 1 energy point remaining, you can add your wisdom stat to your armor class, you age slower, and you have advantage on fortitude and tolerance saving throws

Requires Spirit Element

Spirit Shield


As long as you have at least 1 energy point remaining, when you are called to roll an intelligence, wisdom, or charisma will saving throw you can use the Spirit Skill Check instead

Requires Energy Aura and +4 Wisdom