🧘Spirit Abilities
Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit
Requires At Least +0 WIS
(This can be taken during character creation)
Measures your ability to feel other creature’s life energy and spiritual auras. You can garner a creature’s strength in relation to your own, a general alignment of their personality, and can be used to see through illusions. Gain a +2 bonus to this skill check.
Upon Taking This Skill Check, You Gain A Pool Of Ki Points Equal To Your Wisdom Times 4.
Spirit Wrapped Strikes
Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit
Your attack rolls made with martial arts or a weapon of any kind now count as magical and completely goes through non-magical resistance to physical damage.
Spirit Element
Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit
When creating techniques with other paths, you can add aspects of spirit and the spirit art maker to those techniques. You can also most likely find a way to use your wisdom for those techniques.
Energy Charge
Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit
As an action, you can regain a fourth of your maximum ki points. If used before taking a long rest, you will gain a level of exhaustion after every subsequent use.
Elemental Discipline
Requires Spirit Wrapped Strikes
As a free action after performing a weapon attack or a spirit art, you can change the damage and effect To any natural elemental damage.
Spirit Guard
Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit And At Least +1 WIS
As long as you have at least 1 ki point remaining, you can add half your wisdom to your armor class. While spirit guard is up, you have advantage on rolls against illness and you age slower.
Spiritual Stubborness
Requires Wisdom Skill Check : Spirit And At Least +3 WIS
When you are reduced to 0 hit points or killed outright, you can use a reaction to spend 5 ki points to be reduced to 1 hit point instead. Every time you use this ability, you gain a grievous wound of the DM’s choice.