🥾Survival Abilities

Escape The Horde

Requires +2 In Acrobatics

Opportunity attacks made against you are at disadvantage. When an opportunity attack misses, you gain an additional 5ft of movement until the end of your turn.

Land’s Stride

No Requirement

Nonmagical difficult terrain doesn’t halve your movement. Obstacles like thorny bushes and other terrain based damage is also halved.

Crooked Critterspeak

Requires +2 Bonus In Nature

You can communicate simple ideas to animals and can somewhat understand what they communicate to you.

Hunting The Hunter

Requires +2 Bonus in Stealth

On a successful stealth against an enemy, you cannot be tracked or discovered by any nonmagical means by that enemy.

Nature’s Veil

Requires +2 Bonus In Stealth And Nature

As long as you are surrounded by nature or wildlife, you and your equipment can become magically invisible as a free action until the start of your next turn.

Complete Critterspeak

Requires Crooked Critterspeak And +5 Bonus In Nature

You can completely speak with and understand animals. You also have advantage on all rolls that involve interacting with animals.