
1 Point | Can Have 10 Max

Increase your base walking speed by 5ft

Strong Legs

2 Points | Can Have 1 Max

Unless you roll a critical failure, you can always jump at least five feet as a bare minimum height/distance


2 Points | Can Have 10 Max

Needs strong legs perk

Increase your bare minimum jump height/distance by 5ft

Gentle Reminder:

Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.

🌍Universal Perks


1 Point | Can Have 5 Max

Increase your initiative bonus by +1


1 Point | Can Apply To A Skill Check 3 Times Max

Increase the bonus of a skill check by 1. Can’t go past a +5 bonus


4 Points | Can Apply To A Stat 3 Times Max

Increase a stat by 1. Can’t go past a +5 in a stat with this.