🌍Universal Perks
Increase Bonus
2 Points | No Max
Increase your base walking speed by 5ft
No Requirement
1 Point l Can Apply 3 Times Max Perk Skill Check
Increase the bonus of a skill check by 1. Cannot use this to increase the bonus of a skill check past a 5
No Requirement
Increase Stat
4 Points l Can Apply 3 Times Max Per Base Stat
Increase a base stat by 1. Cannot use this to increase a base stat past a 5
No Requirement
4 Points | 1 Max
When making a physical roll related to your movement action while in water, double either your strength or dexterity
Requires Swimmer
More Alert
1 Point | 5 Max
Add an additional +1 bonus to your initiative roll
No Requirement
2 Points | 2 Max
When you use your interaction action to make an active skill check roll, you can make an additional active skill check roll
No Requirement
Speed Jump
1 Point | 5 Max
Add an additional +1 bonus to training related combo skill checks
No Requirement
4 Points | 2 Max
You gain an additional free action jump once per turn
Requires Long Jump and +4 Bonus In Athletics
Reliable Athlete
Parkour Prince
4 Points | 1 Max
If you roll a natural 1 on a D20 for a roll related to jumping, you do not suffer from Critical Failure rules
No Requirement
4 Points | 1 Max
If you jump off of a wall, you can use an interaction action to double the total of your athletics or acrobatics roll for the jump
Requires Long Jump and Mountaineer
High Jump
4 Points | 1 Max
When your roll athletics or acrobatics to make a jump, double either your strength or dexterity
Requires Long Jump
4 Points | 1 Max
When making a physical roll to measure your ability to climb on your movement action, double either your strength or dexterity
Requires Mountaineer
Gentle Reminder:
Perks use the battle points you get after a combat.