šŸŒUniversal Abilities

Blessed Jumper

Requires At Least +0 STR or DEX

once per turn, you can make a jump as a free action. when making a jump, you now roll with advantage as well.

Blessed Swimmer

Requires At Least +0 STR or DEX

you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Dashing while swimming triples your speed instead of doubling.

Blessed Climber

Requires At Least +0 STR or DEX

Gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. When rolling for movement when climbing, roll with advantage.

Prince Of Parkour

Requires blessed jumper and blessed climber

as long as you keep moving, you donā€™t need to use your hands when climbing. when making a jump off of a wall, you can double your roll as an extra action.

Completely Alert

Requires At Least +1 DEX

when rolling for Initiative , roll with advantage and double your dexterity when adding it to your Initiative roll. you cannot be surprised..

Reliable Talent

No requirement

Whenever you make a skill check that you have a +3 bonus to, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10

(Important Note: This means a +3 bonus without adding your stat to it)