🌨️Elemental Abilities
Any Stat : Arcana
Skill Check
Measures ability to sense magic around you and within objects and characters. The stat used for Arcana rolls depends on what you use for casting spells. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check
(Can be taken during Character Creation)
Plant Speak
You can now somewhat communicate with plants, although you can only convey simple concepts and get a similar level of answers back.
You can ask plants questions or ask for them to move their limbs. This ability doesn’t let you control plant life, only interact with it.
Requires Elemental Spellmaker I and +2 Bonus In Nature
Elemental Spirit
You gain a passive buff based on the elements of your elemental spellmaker. You can change this passive at a short rest.
(You could have resistance to natural fire or a small hovering height due to generating wind)
Requires Elemental Spellmaker Tier I
Nature Cast
If you can see, hear, or otherwise sense a naturally occuring instance of nature, you can cast your magic from there instead of directly from your Spellcasting Focus.
Casting like this doesn’t require you to hold your focus and you can use your full Spellmaker range from that instance of nature.
Requires Plant Speak and +2 Nature Bonus
Primordial Element
Choose either the element of air, water, lightning, or fire. From now on that element is now considered Primordial.
This means that custom spells with that element cost double the original mana or minimum one mana if casted at Spellmaker Tier I. However, custom spells with that element now gain an additional damage dice and target
Your choice for your Primordial Element is now permanent
Requires Elemental Spellmaker I
As a quick action, you can transform part of your body into part of an animal or plant that you have seen before.
You gain a weak racial trait determined by the animal or plant you base this off of.
Requires Elemental Spellmaker Tier II
Beastly Aspect
Choose one of your racial traits and replace them with one based on an animal that you have seen before. You can change this racial trait at a long rest.
If you do not have a racial trait to replace, simply add it to your racial traits
Requires Elemental Spellmaker I and +2 Bonus In Nature
You gain a new Special Action: Nemo
As a quick action or reaction, you can magically teleport to any naturally occurring instance of nature as long as it’s within the range of your highest Elemental Spellmaker
However, the Nemo Special Action can only be used once per turn.
Requires Elemental Spellmaker Tier III and +5 Bonus In Nature
As a quick action, you can spend mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum to become beastlike based on an animal that you have seen before. You can stay as this object until you untransform as a quick action or fall unconscious.
When beastlike you gain a +2 to a stat and a varying boost to your movement, and a racial trait based on whatever you decide to base your transformation off. However, you cannot maintain concentration while beastlike.
Requires Elemental Spellmaker Tier III