🤸Finesse Combat Abilities

Finesse Weaponry

Requires At Least +0 DEX

you now have at least a +2 bonus to use any average weapon unless you already have a +2 or higher bonus to use that weapon.

Check Out The Training Rules For More Information On Bonuses!

Quick Wit’ It

Requires At Least +0 DEX

The Following Special Actions Can Now Be Performed As Bonus Actions and you gain a +2 bonus when rolling for the following special actions:

Arise, Dash, Dodge, Disarm, Hide, Retreat.


Requires Opportunity Attack : Combat and DEX of +2

When A Creature Misses You With An Attack, You Can Make An Opportunity Attack As A Reaction. if you hit with this Opportunity attack, it has a +3 damage bonus

Pact Tactics

Requires At Least +0 DEX

If An Ally Is Within 5 Feet Of You, You Have Advantage and a +1 bonus on all attack rolls.

Unfortunately For You Rogues Out There, You Have To Have Friends In Order To Use This Ability

Chic Medium

Requires At Least +0 DEX

you instantly become able to use all Medium armor. also, when calculating armor class when wearing Medium armor, add +1 to your armor class.

Uncanny Dodge

Requires Dexterity Of +2

When An Attacker That You Can See Hits You With An Attack, You Can Use Your Reaction To Halve that Attack’s Damage Against You.

Redirect Attack

no requirement

if you use any type of effect to reduce damage on a ranged attack against yourself, you can redirect it in the same reaction you used to reduce the damage. redirecting the attack means rolling to hit using whatever ability let you reduce the damage.

when you roll to hit with this redirect attack, you get a +2 bonus to the rolls concerning the attack.


Requires DEX of +4

When You Need To Make An Acrobatics Saving Throw To Half Incoming Damage, You Instead Take No Damage Upon Succeeding And Half Damage On A Fail.