🦑Pact Abilities
Any Stat : Arcana
Skill Check
Measures ability to sense magic around you and within objects and creatures. The stat used for Arcana rolls depends on what you use for casting spells. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check
(Can be taken during Character Creation)
Contact Patron
You gain a new Special Action: Contact
As an interaction, you can attempt to contact your patron telepathically. As long as your patron willingly accepts your attempt to contact them, this telepathy is possible regardless of if either of you are near each other or in the same dimension.
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier I and +2 Prayer Bonus
Pact Spirit
You gain a passive buff and immunity to a magical damage type based on your patron and the elements they gave to you. You can change this passive at a short rest.
(If you have a fiendish patron you could have immunity to fire and passively exhale fire every time you breathe)
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier I
You gain a new Special Action: Bargain
As an interaction, you can attempt to make a bargain with your patron. In exchange for something you want, the patron also receives something from you. If you both agree to each other’s terms, then the transaction will activate immediately, meaning the effects of the bargain affects you instantly.
The effects of the bargains will remain as permanent curses on you, only being able to remove them with a curse removal effect.
If you have Inception, you can place Bargains on yourself as long as the DM approves of it.
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier I and +2 Prayer Bonus
As a reaction to an incoming attack, you can plead to your patron to save you.
The DM makes a survival roll for you as if they were making a Death’s Door survival roll, the number to beat is equal to your current MSN.
If the DM fails on the survival roll, the attack is fully negated.
For information on DD Survival Rolls and MSN, look at the Death section in the rules.
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier I and +2 Prayer Bonus
The DM must show you as many of your Patron’s racial traits and skill check bonuses as your Spellcasting Bonus
Replace one of your racial traits and skill check bonuses with your Patron’s traits and bonuses. If you do not have any racial traits to replace, simply add it to your sheet.
Your choice for both are permanent, although the skill check bonus can still be raised and lowered
If your DM didn’t read the main Path Of Pact Magic page and prepare the list when you got Spellmaker I, tell them to look at the box with the title “Information about Patrons”
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier 1
The DM must show you as many of your Patron’s Custom Spells as your Spellcasting Bonus.
Choose as many of your Patron’s Custom Spells as half your Spellcasting Bonus (minimum of 1). You are now able to cast them as an action or reaction.
Your choices are permanent and you must spend the original amount of mana points of your Patron’s Custom Spells in order to cast it.
If your DM didn’t read the main Path Of Pact Magic page and prepare the list when you got Spellmaker I, tell them to look at the box with the title “Information about Patrons”
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier 3 and At Least +1 Spellcasting Bonus
Your Patron is no longer the only source of your magical power, you now derive it from where they original got their magic.
This means that your Patron cannot hold your magical power hostage, even if they cut your original pact you can still cast spells.
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier I and +5 Spellcasting Bonus
As a quick action, you can spend mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum to temporarily race swap into your patron’s race. You will last like this for as many minutes as two times your Spellcasting Bonus
Your STR, DEX, CON, and Movement Speed are set to your patron’s if they are higher than yours. (The DM must tell you what they are)
Requires Pact Spellmaker Tier 3