⚒️Smithing Abilities

INT Or WIS Skill Check : Repair

Requires Proficiency In Either Tinkerer’s Tools Or Smithing Tools

(This can be taken during character creation)

Measures your ability to repair a piece of technology or equipment and restore it to a functioning state. You can choose to use either intelligence or wisdom for this skill check as it will very depending on whether you are a path of tinkering or smithing.

You must have your tinkerer’s tools or smith’s tools on your person or you will automatically fail to repair anything. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check.

Demolition Expert

Requires +2 Bonus In Utility

You gain a new special action, Sabotage.

As an action, if you are able to get your hands On A weapon or armor you can attempt to sabotage and make it weaker.

(You will most likely need to disarm or grapple a creature in order to get your hands on their weapons or armor)

Roll a contesting utility check against the utility Check Of whoever has the weapon. Upon a success, rolls made by that weapon or the armor class a set of armor gives gain a negative modifier of half your utility bonus. this debuff lasts until the current Initiative ends and only one instance of sabotage can be applied to a weapon at a time.

Scrap Dealer

Requires Proficiency In Either Tinkerer’s Tools Or Smithing Tools

You gain a new special action, Scrap

As long as you have it in your possession, you can turn a weapon or set of armor into scrap. you gain scrap equal to half of the weapon or armor’s original gold cost.

Metal Work

Requires Proficiency In Either Tinkerer’s Tools Or Smithing Tools

As an extra action, you can spend a varying amount of scrap points to add a bonus to your roll with a weapon or an invention. You can spend up to 5 scrap points and for every scrap point you spend you can add +1 to your roll.


Requires Scrap Dealer And Demolition Expert

Whenever you are interacting with an object, you can spend a varying amount of scrap as an extra action to instantly install a hardpoint onto that object.

On the same extra action, you can fill up the hardpoint with either a weapon or a hardpoint from one of the guides like vehicles & artificial intelligence.

Spectral Glaze

Requires Arcane Weapons And Metal Work

As an extra action, you can apply a passive buff to a weapon or armor set related to why you are magical. You can have one spectral glaze at a time.

Examples include changing the damage type of the weapon or giving the armor an extra resistance to a magical type of damage. You could even extend ranges or have the equipment grant new abilities as long as they’re related to your magic. It takes another extra action to change the effect the glaze gives the weapon