🔧Tinkering Abilities

INT Or WIS Skill Check : Repair

Requires Proficiency In Either Tinkerer’s Tools Or Smithing Tools

(This can be taken during character creation)

Measures your ability to repair a piece of technology or equipment and restore it to a functioning state. You can choose to use either intelligence or wisdom for this skill check as it will very depending on whether you are a path of tinkering or smithing.

You must have your tinkerer’s tools or smith’s tools on your person or you will automatically fail to repair anything. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check.

Reverse Engineering

Requires +2 In Technology

You gain a new special action, Dismantle.

as an action, If you are able to get your hands on a piece of technology (most likely needing to disarm or grapple for it) you can attempt to take apart that piece of technology.

Roll a contesting technology check against the technology check of whoever’s related to that piece of technology. Upon a success, the piece of technology is destroyed and must be repaired.


Requires INT Or WIS Skill Check : Repair

As an extra action, you can spend additional scrap points on an invention to slightly alter the function stated in the invention’s blueprints. However, the invention has a -1 bonus to it’s rolls and DC for every change until your next long rest.

Monkey Mimic

Requires +2 In Technology And INT Or WIS Skill Check : Repair

Over the course of a short rest, you can spend scrap to perfectly recreate a piece of technology that you have seen and have at least a basic understanding of.

You can also use this ability to recreate other tool kits.

Future Fission

Requires Patchwork And +5 Bonus In INT Or WIS Skill Check : Repair

As an extra action, you can quickly fuse your inventions together. How the objects combine is up to the DM’s interpretation. After fusing the inventions together, the effects combine. However, until your next long rest this invention has a -5 debuff to all rolls with it.


Requires +5 Bonus In Technology And Monkey Mimic

Over the course of a short rest, you can give any piece of technology that has electricity artificial intelligence. The amount of scrap you spend to create this artificial intelligence determines it’s rarity. The construct body of the AI is dependent on what piece of technology they’re created in. Your AI counts as an invention.

For information about how AI works in free flowing, click the arrow to go to Big Cam’s law of robotics page.