🥳Path Of Social🥳
You gain a new Special Action: Encourage
As long as they can hear you, as an action or quick action you can shout words of encouragement and give a character advantage on their next roll
Requires At Least +0 CHA
Friendly Aura
In a radius equal to 10 times your charisma, you emit an aura of a friendly attitude. If a character enters that aura and they haven’t had a bad interaction with you, they need to roll a charisma will save against your Social DC.
If the character fails the saving throw, then you can double your charisma when making social rolls with that character. This effect will only end when you have a bad interaction with that character.
Requires +2 Bonus In Persuasion
You have advantage on deception rolls that involve spreading misinformation, public outrage, and gossip.
If the lies you are spreading involve someone you personally know, double your deception bonus when rolling
Requires At Least +0 Bonus In Deception
You gain a new Special Action: Pacify
As an action, you can attempt to calm down a hostile character. If the character does not want to calm down, then they need to roll a wis/cha will save against your Social DC.
If they fail, then they’re intense emotions are suppressed for five minutes/rounds. Further social rolls and interactions can calm them down, however those intense emotions will come back if the character wishes to feel them.
Requires +2 Bonus In Persuasion
As long as you’ve heard them before, you are now able to perfectly mimic someone or something else’s voice with a successful performance check.
Requires +2 Bonus In Persuasion
Pep Rally
Over the course of a brief rest or five minutes, you can put on a small performance and hype up your allies. At the end of this brief rest, you and everyone that heard the rally gains overhealth equal to your performance bonus.
Requires +2 Bonus In Performance
You gain a new Special Action: Inspire
As an interaction, you can attempt to inspire a character within hearing distance. Roll a persuasion, the character gains a benefit depending on the roll:
Nat 20 = Triple Advantage On Their Next Roll.
16-19+ = Double Advantage On Their Next Roll.
11-15 = Advantage On Their Next Roll.
2-10 = Doesn’t Gain Any Benefit
Nat 1 = Disadvantage On Their Next Roll.
Requires +2 Persuasion
You gain a new Special Action: Mockery
As an interaction, you can attempt to mock and make a character feel bad for living. They need to make a wis/cha will save against your Social DC. If they fail, roll a persuasion, then the character gets a debuff depending on the roll:
Nat 20 = Triple Disadvantage On Their Next Roll.
16-19+ = Double Disadvantage On Their Next Roll.
11-15 = Disadvantage On Their Next Roll.
2-10 = Doesn’t Gain Any Debuff
Nat 1 = Advantage On Their Next Roll.
Requires +2 Persuasion
Social DC Calculation:
8 + CHA + Persuasion Skill Check Bonus