🥳Path Of Social🥳

Friendly & Neighborly

Requires at least +0 Charisma

you have advantage on all charisma checks towards a creature as long as they involve you trying to be their friend or asking for commonly known information.

Gossipy Grouse

Requires at least +0 Charisma

you have advantage on all charisma checks relating to spreading misinformation or gossip. if the misinformation and gossip you’re spreading is about someone you personally know, gain a +2 bonus to the roll.

No Villains

Requires +2 Bonus In Persuasion

You can sacrifice your entire turn (action, bonus, reaction, extra, movement) in order to calm down or Suppress a creature’s intense emotions. if the creature isn’t willing, they must make a charisma will save against your social DC:

(8 + Cha + Persuasion Bonus)

A Creature Can Choose To Fail. If The Creature Fails, Choose One Of The Following:

- Suppress A Creature’s Rage Or Hostility Towards You

- Suppress The Charmed Or Frightened Condition

Suppressing Does Not Mean It Ends, After 5 Minutes The Creature's Rage Or Its Condition Will Come Back If It Hasn’t Expired.

Leadership Likeness

requires +3 Charisma

You Have A 15ft Aura Of Leadership. If A Creature Is Within That Aura, They Must Roll Make A Charisma Will Save Against Your Social DC:

(8 + Cha + Persuasion Bonus)

If They Fail, Then You Double Your Charisma Stat When Rolling Related To That Creature. This Effect Lasts Until You Have A Bad Interaction With The Creature

Inspiring Tongue

Requires +3 Bonus In Performance

As An extra Action, You Can Inspire A Creature Within Hearing Distance From You. Roll A Charisma Check, The Resulting Roll Deciding What Benefits The Creature Gets:

Nat 20 = The Creature Has Triple Advantage On Their Next Roll.

16-19+ = The Creature Has Double Advantage On Their Next Roll.

11-15 = The Creature Has Advantage On Their Next Roll.

2-10 = The Creature Doesn’t Gain Any Benefit

Nat 1 = The Creature Has Disadvantage On Their Next Roll.

Vicious Mockery

Requires +3 Bonus In Persuasion

as An extra Action, You Can Ridicule A Creature Within Hearing Distance From You. They Must Make A Charisma Saving Throw Based On Your social DC:

(8 + Cha + Persuasion Bonus)

If They Fail, Roll A Charisma Check, The Resulting Roll Deciding What Detriment The Creature Gets:

Nat 20 = The Creature Has Triple Disadvantage On Their Next Roll.

16-19+ = The Creature Has Double Disadvantage On Their Next Roll.

11-15 = The Creature Has Disadvantage On Their Next Roll.

2-10 = The Creature Doesn’t Gain Any Debuff

Nat 1 = The Creature Has Advantage On Their Next Roll.