As an extra action you attach this to a gun with a successful technology, utility, or some other type of check that involves manipulating technology.

This is one of the three attachments you can have one one firearm.


1 Gold, Uncommon

As long as the firearm isn’t high tech or magical by any means or has any massive parts, you can fully reload the gun as a free action.

Red-Dot Sight

1 Gold, Uncommon

This firearm gains +1 to all rolls made with the firearm. This also increases any DCs the gun may have.


1 Gold, Uncommon

Enemies can’t hear this weapon outside 100ft and they have disadvantage on perception rolls to hear the weapon being fired. this attachment cant be attached to a weapon with the Heavy Property with the exception of snipers.


1 Gold, Uncommon

Allows the wielder to detect targets via ambient heat, even in total darkness, while you have the weapon at the ready. You no longer have disadvantage in darkness.

Laser-Dot Sight

1 Gold, Uncommon

Acts as a non damaging laser pointer, meaning you do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls made at long range with a firearm.