If one of the weapons below says “Based On Original Weapon,” that means that the equipment slots, damage, range, and other properties of the unique weapon are based on one of the weapons found in battle items
Tato’s Boxing Gloves
1 Gold, Uncommon
A very worn, and stitched blue set of boxing gloves, able to be worn on the hands. Used by someone who truly understands regret.
When equipped, if you hit with an unarmed strike and beat the creature’s armor class by 5 or more, you can roll a launch and lift, and send your enemy flying directly in front of you, or directly up.
Flying Disc
5 Gold, Uncommon
A weapon made for throwing in non linear paths. A frisbee shaped disc made of hardwood or lightweight metal, about 1 foot in diameter.
The weapon deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage + STR/DEX, has a range of 20ft with a disadvantage range up to 60ft.
If you are proficient with the flying disc, you can bank the frisbee if you throw it, pulling it out 15 feet to the left or right (one only) before it hits its target, potentially going around objects that would obstruct the line of fire for an arrow, or javelin, or even around doorways.
Multicoat Weapon
1 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Uncommon
The blade of the weapon is multi sided and made to rein in a lot of rain.
Based on original weapon
Normally you can only apply 1 coating to a weapon, this weapon can support 3.
Sword Breaker Weapon
1 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Uncommon
A weapon with ridges within the blade itself, making it able to grip onto weapons tighter than a gorilla.
Based on original weapon
When you make an attack against a creature with this weapon, you can use the disarm special action as a bonus action. Also, using this weapon during the disarm special action doesn’t incur disadvantage.
Double Blade Weapon
5 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Rare
Instead of simply 1 blade, there’s another on the other end of this weapon. That fat guy does say that 2 is better than one, but this is a little heavy….
Based on original weapon
If this is the only weapon you are holding, you can make a bonus action attack with this weapon as if you were dual wielding by attacking with the second blade of the double bladed weapon.
Switchblade Weapon
5 Gold + Original Weapon Cost, Rare
The hilt of the weapon itself can sheath the weapon, allowing you to bring it out a lot easier.
Based on original weapon
If the weapon is in one of your hands before initiative is called, you can make a free action attack right as initiative is called.
Boomerang Disc
10 gold, Rare
A weapon made for throwing in non linear paths. A boomerang shaped disc made of hardwood or lightweight metal, about 1 foot in diameter.
The weapon deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage + STR/DEX, has a range of 20ft with a disadvantage range up to 60ft.
If you are proficient with the boomerang disc, you can use an extra action to roll again after missing an attack with the boomerang disc.