
1 Silver, Less Than Common

For each arm slot you take up, you get a +1 to AC

Camo Clothing

5 Silver, Common

Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, if you forgo your quick action and interaction, you have double advantage on stealth rolls when you use the Hide Special Action.

Survival Coat

5 Silver, Common

Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, non-magical difficult terrain only takes away 5ft of movement and you have advantage on rolls against non-magical difficult terrain.

Weighted Clothing

1 Gold, Uncommon

Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, your speed is halved. However, physical training takes half of the time it normally would.

Sled Shield

1 Gold + Original Shield Cost, Uncommon

This special armor takes up the equipment slot and properties of a shield from the armor page.

As a bonus action, you can hop onto your shield and slide down a slope. Your walking speed while sliding on the shield is tripled.

Nimble Bracers

1 Gold, Uncommon

Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped it negates the dexterity limit and stealth disadvantage on most medium armor.

Ninja Suit

5 gold, Rare

Takes up both arm equipment slots. When equipped, you have advantage on jump rolls and can easily cling to walls. It doesn’t affect your climbing speed however.

Straight Jacket

1 gold, Cursed, Uncommon

You can forcefully equip this onto another creature’s arm equipment slots. They must make a contesting strength or dexterity roll against your strength. If they’re unconscious they cannot resist.

When equipped onto a creature, they are put under the restrained condition. In order to get out of the jacket, you must make an DC 20 athletics saving throw at disadvantage. You are allowed to try and break out every hour.