⛪Divine Abilities
Any Stat : Arcana
Skill Check
Measures ability to sense magic around you and within objects and characters. The stat used for Arcana rolls depends on what you use for casting spells. Gain a +2 bonus to the skill check
(Can be taken during Character Creation)
You gain a new Special Action: Heal
As a quick action, you can spend healing points to heal either yourself or characters within melee range. Every healing point spent gives a point of HP.
Upon getting this ability, you gain a resource pool of Healing Points equal to four times your Divine Spellmaker Magic Stat.
Requires Divine Spellmaker Tier I
You gain a new Special Action: Cure
As an interaction action, you can spend a varying amount of mana to cure a character of a poison, disease, or curse.
You may need to spend larger amounts for stronger ailments needing to be cured.
Requires Divine Spellmaker Tier I
Divine Spirit
You gain a passive buff based on your deity and the elements of your Divine Spellmaker. You can change this passive at a short rest.
(You could have passive healing or advantage on a type of roll)
Requires Divine Spellmaker Tier I
As a reaction to an incoming attack, you can plead to your deity to save you.
The DM makes a survival roll for you as if they were making a Death’s Door survival roll, the number to beat is equal to your current MSN.
If the DM fails on the survival roll, the attack is fully negated.
For information on DD Survival Rolls and MSN, look at the Death section in the rules.
Requires Divine Spellmaker Tier I and +2 Prayer Bonus
You gain a new Special Action: SMITE
As a free action right before you roll to attack with a weapon, you can add a single targeting damage based spell onto the attack, you are not allowed to use additional targets with this spell. This cannot be used on the same weapon in the same round.
It must be single targeting, and you must spend double the mana for the spell or a minimum of one mana if using a Divine Spellmaker Tier I Spell
Requires Requires Divine Spellmaker Tier I
The DM must write three guidelines for your character to follow based on your deity. There are rewards and punishments for following them or not, determined by the DM.
Following the guidelines rewards you with mana points back to your current points while not following the guidelines takes away points from your current mana pool
(If you have a benevolent god one of those guidelines could be to never ignore the unfortunate, if you have a spiteful god one of those guidelines could be to never let someone who slighted you to get away with it)
Requires Requires Divine Spellmaker Tier I
You gain a new Special Action: Revive
As an action, you can spend mana points equal to a half of your maximum to revive a character’s body that you can touch. When you do this, you essentially replicate the effects of a tome of revival from Magical Tomes in Magical Items.
In order for this to work, it cannot have been longer than a week since the character died and their body cannot be too mangled.
Requires Requires Divine Spellmaker Tier III and +5 Prayer Bonus
As a quick action, you can spend mana points equal to a fourth of your maximum to become a demigod. You will last like this for as many minutes as two times your Spellcasting Bonus
As a demigod, you have a flying speed equal to the range of your highest Divine Spellmaker and your Divine Spells gain additional targets and dice equal to half of your spellcasting bonus (rounded down)
Requires Divine Spellmaker Tier III