Character Sheets

The Free Flowing game uses an official character sheet made for the game. On this sheet you keep track of everything about your character and details about the story and what they’ve gone through.

Use the arrow near this box to go to the page containing all of the character sheets.


Your Personal Stats

There are 6 stats; Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.

You can either choose from a Standard Array or Rolling for your stats, refer to the charts near this box to determine how you want to get your stats.


Standard Array

Assign each number below to one of the stats listed on your character sheet.

+2, +1, 0, 0, -1, -2


Roll a d8 6 times. Each number on the d8 is assigned to a number you assign to a stat. After rolling, refer to the following:

1 on d8 = -3 | 2 on a d8 = -2

3 on a d8 = -1 | 4/5 on a d8 = 0

6 on a d8 = +1 | 7 on a d8 = +2

8 on a d8 = +3

Stat Based Traits

Your rolled stats determine multiple things about your character sheet, these include topics like Armor Class and Initiative.

Armor Class is the number someone needs to beat in order to hurt you. Not counting using armor or other abilities, base armor class is 8 + your dexterity.

Initiative refers to turn order in combat, meaning who goes before who in a fight. Without abilities or perks, rolling for Initiative is just your dexterity stat and is automatically calculated on your character sheet.

For more information about either, use the arrow near this box to go to the Factors Of Combat page where you can look at Armor Class, Initiative, and more stat based traits in greater detail.


Choosing Your Race

When choosing your race, you can either create your own custom race, choose from the list on the wiki pages, or adapt one from another system.

The chart near this box details everything you to remember when creating your own race.

Also, if you are adapting a race from another game, try to fit their traits and abilities in line with aspects of Free Flowing.


Custom Race Set Up

Your race needs a name and you can also provide a history for it. When do they mature and when do they die of old age. Does gender matter or not? What languages do they innately have or don’t?

What’s their walking speed and racial traits? Most races have a walking speed of 30ft, but it could be faster or slower. Most races also have at least 3 racial traits; these can range from getting extra abilities at character creation or passive buffs like resistances to damage types like fire or ice.

All races get racial stat bonuses. Usually it’s +2 to one stat and +1 to another. The bonuses could be fixed or you could be able to put them wherever you want.

Starting Health

Unlike other games, you use all of your character’s stats in order to calculate your health.

If you have a stat that is 0 or lower, treat it like a +1. Use the chart near this to calculate your starting health.


Health Equation

Strength X 2

Dexterity X 2

Constitution X 3

Intelligence X 1

Wisdom X 1

+ Charisma X 1

= Total HP

Custom Origin

Free Flowing is about building a character that’s personal to you, meaning you decide what your character’s origin is instead of picking from a list.

Make sure to name your origin and have fun!

For the last steps, refer to A-G


Skill Check Bonuses

Choose two skill checks to gain a +2 bonus. Skill checks include Athletics, Insight, Memory, Perception, etc. You can also choose skill checks listed in ability blocks that state you can take during character creation.

More information can be found in the skill checks arrow near this box. You can’t pick more than one and you also can’t pick one that you’ve already selected for saving throw bonuses.


Saving Throw Bonuses

Choose two of the following skill checks used as saving throws to gain a +2 bonus to.

Athletics, Blocking, Acrobatics, Sleight Of Hand, Fortitude, Tolerance, Will

More information can be found in the skill checks arrow near this box. You can’t pick more than one and you also can’t pick one that you’ve already selected for skill check bonuses.


Complication Penalties

Note: Taking complication penalties is optional and not required!

In exchange for giving a skill check a -2 bonus, you can gain a +2 bonus to another skill check of your choice. There’s no technical limit, but DM’s have the authority to tell you to stop.

The skill check you give a -2 cannot already have a bonus to it, but skill checks with a -2 can gain more negative bonuses.



You can choose and make up around 2-3 languages that your character may know. Usually this includes OuterWorldian Common, but you don’t have to have it.

(There should be an arrow near this to a list of official languages, but the wiki isn’t done yet, so just make up your own)


Tool Kit Choices

You can choose to be proficient in 1 or more of the tool kits listed in the tool kits arrow near this box.

Being proficient in a tool kit means you are able to use them how they are described on the tool kits page.

If you are choosing more than one, you need to talk about it with your DM. You also cannot get proficiency in a tool kit that doesn’t make sense for your character to have.


Starting Equipment

You can make up to 10 selections of common items from General Items.

You can make up to 4 selections total of common items from Magic, Battle, High Tech, and Otherworldly Items.

After picking any weapon or armor, you become proficient with every kind of that weapon or armor. This means for weapons you start off with a +2 bonus to hit with that weapon of your choice

From here, you can get either 1 or more Uncommon items from any category listed.

Make sure to write down what your type of inventory is and how much money you start with. You can also talk with your DM about getting more of any of the selections listed. Use the items arrow near this box to be taken to the item lists.


First Skills

You can make up to 4 selections that come from the Paths & Abilities arrow near this box. These selections include any Path or Ability from any archetype or ability block in that arrow.

However, you must choose at least one Path and you cannot select any perks.

You can make at least 3 custom moves for every Path you choose.


Congratulations, you are done with character creation!