🎪Summoner Abilities


Requires at least 1 spellmaker or be somewhat magical

as an action, you can spend either mana or points from another resource pool to summon a minion of your own design. they can look however you want and are completely under your own control.

Commanding each minion takes an extra action, after being commanded they get 1 action and their movement

AC Of 10 + spellcasting stat, HP of spellcasting stat + how many points you spend. they roll off of your magical related stat for all rolls + your spellcasting bonus. their attacks and Damage are decided at DM’s discretion.

minions disappear either by losing all health, you taking a long rest, or by you using a bonus action to unsummon them. unsummoning the minions returns the points you lost to make them.



when you command one of your minions to attack, they can use one of your techniques or spells instead.

(This doesn’t mean they can now make custom techniques based off of your technique makers, they can just use what you have)

Deck Fetch


As a bonus action or reaction, you can switch the positions of a willing creature and a minion. The creature and minion must be within eyesight, the switch cannot be between two creatures or two minions.

Tribute Sacrifice


As A Bonus Action, You Can Sacrifice One Of Your Minions To Give Another Minion Double Advantage On Their Next Attack Or to heal a minion up to half their maximum health. You Do Not Get Points Back For Sacrificing A Minion.

Ritual Summon

Requires tribute Sacrifice

If you take a brief rest or 5 minutes to summon a creature instead of an action, you can spend half as much to create a minion.

Monster Reborn

Requires Tribute Sacrifice

As a reaction to one of your minions dying within eyesight, you can spend the exact amount of points you used to create that minion to have it instantly revive at full health.