🎪Summoner Abilities

Summoned Spirit


You gain a passive buff based on a Minion you currently have summoned. You can change this passive after every time you summon a Minion.

(Gain a flying speed based off a flying Minion or resistance to fire based off a devilish Minion)

Requires Linked Minion



You gain a new Special Action: Sacrifice

As an interaction, you can instantly destroy one of your Minions to give another Minion advantage on their next attack roll

Requires Minion Maker



When a Minion is within melee range of another character getting attacked, you can command them to throw themselves in front of the attack as a reaction.

Requires Minion Maker

Ritual Summon


If you take a brief rest or 5 minutes to summon a Minion instead of an action, their normal summoning cost is halved.

Requires Minion Maker and Be Magical



You gain a new Special Action: Castle

As an interaction, you can warp and swap the positions of a willing character and a Minion. The character and Minion must be within eyesight, the switch cannot be between two characters or two Minions.

Requires Minion Maker and Be Magical

Favored Minion


Choose one of the Minions you have made, they are now your Favored Minion. This means that their damage totals and maximum HP is now multiplied by 1.5

You can change who is your Favored Minion at a long rest.

Requires Minion Maker



When you base a Summoned Spirit off a Minion you currently have summoned, you can use any of that Minion’s attacks for yourself.

You roll off of the Minion’s stats and bonuses instead of your own for this attack.

Requires Summoned Spirit

Monster Reborn


As a reaction to one of your minions dying within eyesight, you can spend the exact amount of points you used to create that Minion to have it instantly revive at full health.

Requires Ritual Summon